
December 3, 2008

"If You Build It, They Will Come"


well, it happened.

Someone BLINDLY built a tombstone

and BURIED the words "I Can't."

some who is blessing themselves by

BURYING the words, "I Can't"

It's stunning by the way

Eighteen (18) years ago a depressed and VERY SAD

truck driver buried the words, "I can't."

Not long later, he had others do it as well


why? Because it takes a SACRIFICE to decree

a word of POSITIVE over a negative

also because, the root of sacrifice is SACRED

and to build a MONUMENT, as Jacob did, in Bethel,

before Jesus re-named him, well, it's a SACRED

act of "can do."

Now 18 years later, it appears that "if you build it

they will come."

When people ** NOT ** associated with us

When STRANGERS single handedly begin to do this

it's, as Diane Hochman predicted, "a sign."

soon, we predict, many 100's of other strangers will

BURY the words "I can't" and NOT because of any

reason other than it's a TIME in this world

where self HEALING just may be ripe

Again, this is a STRANGER

Not affiliated with the Million Mind March

Soon, we predict that you will see many

others, strangers

at face book

at my space

in India

next door to where you live

BURY the words, "I CAN'T."

and they will

and you were here first

COST is $22

Often people go to HOME DEPOT and spend $10-$22

and buy their own wood and their own stuff

This gent apparently used PHOTO-SHOP and it was free.

OTHERS have used, well, just cardboard



And you can see an entire community, built around

the ideal of "Whatever you say about comes about."


Such a simple idea and yet a staggering demonstration

See more fans of SELF (there own) here

what you tell OTHERS that THEY can do....

you seduce your subconscious to believe YOU can do

pay it forward

what you INSIST others do, as in feel more

love OF SELF, you too, slowly begin to submit

to your own brand of self-genius and you

become the worlds agent or as the Trucker says

"a Good News Merchant."

"What you do TO others, He that is, does TO you."

"what you give away, you always get to keep."

One more TRUCK DRIVER wisdom principle

"You don't have to get it right, you just

have to get it going."

WHO is the truck driver?

Ask Mike Dillard. He knows.

Ask Dennis Kargamilla, he also knows.

Ask Marlon or Yanik.

It's Happening.

and you were one of the first transmitters.

Soon, world wide movement of R.I.P

"Here, lies the words, I can't."


The Labor Plant, Attraction Studio

Million Mind March


Free Mechanics of Wealth Package and

tell em' Dee sent ya

December 1, 2008

Game Over and Who Loses in 2009

The Million Mind March

Join us on our FREE training calls

Mondays at 9:27 PM (est) is the GREAT Diane Hochman OPEN guest call

TUESDAY is the open call again at 9:27

This week Joe Schroeder comes out of his CAVE

The night time calls are OPEN to all

as always the # is 1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

There are GREAT DAYS ahead for North AMERICA

and there is NO time like right now, for us

little guys, the working class, to SHARE our

monies TOGETHER, just as the elite have always done

in both congress and at the country club......

and that's what the super elite super rich do.

They swap and buy and trade money back and forth.

IF you are not BUYING and SELLING

I repeat

if you are NOT BUYING and SELLING

to and from EACH OTHER

it's UN-AMERICAN and especially in these days

To quit and to say, "Oh golly heck, I don't have

$150 to stay in my MLM."

YOU REMOVE monies from 10+ other working

folks who are WISELY investing in MLM, through

each others energies, as the ELITE do, to

gather more equity and assets.


we MUST BUY from ourselves, as we have for FIFTY (50)

years in this GREAT industry, except now more than


YOU are either a PART of the solution or not



this allows the WORKING man and working Gal to



You gotta you just gotta REALLY invest in

those around you

DO THAT and we show Hollywood and Congress

that we too KNOW the game

It's CREATE your own economy

It's add $2,000 to $5,000 to a monthly house-hold income


TRADE and BUY and SELL amongst each other

As we started back in the late fifties when this

GORGEOUS nutty zany WONDERFUL industry began






The land of little ads and do dads that make money

and that helps and is INSPIRED by the working man

The Million Mind March


I am the AVERAGE JOE BAIL-OUT bounty hunter

North AMERICA WORKS people

if you are Free and WORK THE SYSTEM


** You're allowed to JUST watch

** You're allowed to EARN $3,000 per month

** They allow you to earn $890,000 PER month

** Some earn $300,000 PER DAY in America--and then some


oh sure, she belly aches from time to time

Money goes up, like a ball and it bounces low

But it always goes up


LAND of the Free

Live OPEN Freedom calls Monday and Tuesday Nights

9:27 pm EST

1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

See you genius rat pack of BIG BRAINS

The Million Mind March

Free Mechanics of Wealth Package

Just toss in the S + H

and tell em' Dee sent ya :)


July 21, 2008

Become The Source Of Prosperity

At times like these, many folks are scared, desperate and looking for a fast buck.

They're sick and tired of minimum wage and the price of gas.

They search for freedom and often make hasty decisions that, in the end, do not serve them well.

That cannot possibly serve others.

Without constant and continuous positive motion there is no FAITH.

People begin to second guess themselves and then they quit their dreams.

Are you selling a high ticket item that sells people down the river and steals their dreams??

Something that the part-timer can't and won't duplicate??

A so-called "product" that's nothing but air??




In this industry, if you lead with anything that's more than $20, you can't make money.

And you gotta blow them away.

You gotta SERVE them and over-deliver.

Then they CHOOSE on their own to upgrade....or not.

Ask HBO or Verizon if that's true.

Why do you suppose most MLM companies are about $50 per month?

Cause they KNOW at that price it's more likely to duplicate into loads of sales volume.

Middle America understands $50, they don't have the consciousness of $4000 per sale!!

Be a $14 Millionaire.

Offer the masses something they can feel good about sharing with others.

Add a great guarantee and nobody gets hurts.

Offer free information, a community and ongoing support.

No competition, you get the whole crew.

A product that stands alone and changes lives, period.

And we sleep like babies at night.

Induce LOVE.

Add in patience and FAITH and you can have anything you want.

The Mechanics Of Wealth

FREE Package

Just toss in the shipping and handling

You order online.

Nuff said.

June 27, 2008

POOF!! No More Internet

OK are you ready for this?

Close your eyes...

Imagine with me...

Suddenly, one day...

Social media, blogs, google ad words, YouTube

ALL of it gone!

Go ahead, I know you can do it....

close and eyes and picture what that would look like for you.





Got the picture...

Great, you're a good learner.

How would you communicate your message to people?

Would you still have a business?

Creepy, eh.

Don't get me wrong...

I'm not suggesting it would ALL disappear.

But what if it was just, say...

Facebook or maybe MySpace?

Are you limiting yourself?

Too many people are DEPENDENT...

soley on the internet.

Hiding behind their computers...

Without a clue how to market their businesses offline.

With 75% of adults NOT on the internet...

It'd be NUTS not to market offline as well.

Feel better now?

Yeah, me too.

June 12, 2008

Bad Marketing??

We've all done it....

some still do.

Imagine with me that you've just moved. You're excited about meeting someone new. You strike up a conversation and it sounds like this:

Hey, just stopping by to say hello. Check out my website @ I can show you how to make $10,000 by noon Sunday.....this is the greatest opportunity since blah blah blah.

"Well that's just ridiculous, Dee. I would NEVER say something like that!!"


Way too many marketers are doing just that.

They connect with "friends" on Social Media Sites and spam 'em with emails.

Their profiles are like flashing Neon Billboards shouting:

Trust ME -

BUY, BUY, BUY from ME -


My product is the BEST in the UNIVERSE!!

Better get in NOW...before it's too late.

Why would they TRUST you??

They don't even KNOW you!!

Doesn't that sort of shite turn YOU off??

Are you getting this yet??

Of course you are...

you're SMART and smart is the new sexy.

Let people get to know YOU, the real YOU.

Just like you're making new friends.

Be sociable...

After all that's why they call it "Social Media".

Do you want to attract people that spew all over you??

Then don't spew all over people!!!

There IS a gentler way of marketing that you can feel GOOD about.

I remember when I was raising my son and things would get a little tense, particularly when he hit his teens!!

What does this have to do with marketing??

It was during those times that I would say to myself, "Dee, remember what it was like to be a teenager".

Things went pretty smoothly because of that mind-set.

Remember what it was like when you were searching for information and YOU were the prospect??

What intrigued YOU and prompted YOU to take a closer look??

What made you go YUK and delete??

Try to remember what it was like to be a "prospect".

Be YOU and if they like YOU, they'll automatically check you out a little more.

Then one day, down the road, THEY WILL CONTACT YOU!!

Take it from there but remember...