
March 27, 2009

The Matrix * The Dove * Nike * Joe Schroeder

Did you ever notice, or wonder, why the

big names seem to start a program and then
within six to twelve months it basically goes away?

Did you ever notice how the BIG GUNS
over time, who you were following, now introduce
their other Big Gun friends to you?

Now you are following Big Gun #1 and then
their friend big gun #2


They SHARE LISTS with each other

They change programs

They use you and your traffic to get richer


Because they have bills to pay and what they
STARTED to promote, over time, Peters out

So they use YOUR list

Remember, YOU sent YOUR friends to THEIR site

FIRST you sent your friends to join a "must see" new biz opp

Now it's been six to twelve months and now Mrs. GURU
and Mr. Big have either gone in a DIFFERENT direction

or, included one of their other GURU buddies

and you know what?

This pattern has been happening
upon the internet, since 100 years ago, back in 1995


Here is what the RICH on-line do

Step 1:They suck 2,000 to 5,000 part timers into a program

Step 2: Get those little FISH to send traffic to them

Step 3: Get worried after six months because SALES are down

Step 4: Worry because only a few are making any real money

Now they change the game. Now they ADD another program.

But who cares? It' all about making more money off the
backs of the little guy

The Little guys are desperate suckers, right?

And as a BIG GURU all they do is keep showing you HOW-TO'S
because that's what suckers buy. Another TRAFFIC so called solution
and you buy the means to GET PAID / as in a lottery

Then there is The Million Mind March

Same products

We never brought in a GURU from the outside

We never ADDED an MLM and we never left

Joe Schroeder has never sent me even ONE
offer to BUY someone else's product.

He hasn't


No, he has not

That's because he doesn’t bring in managers from
STAPLES to speak to people who work at KINKOS

He doesn’t CROSS pollinate, on purpose

He actually honors the trust I have put upon him
and one of his values is not (to) PROSTITUTE his list

The Full-Timers problem

HIS problem is impatience

FIRST he gets used to making $25K to $50K PER month

Then he builds a LIFE STYLE to support that income

Bigger House
Bigger car
Bigger mortgage

Then sales start to weaken

Then memberships into his primary start to get sluggish

Then he has sleepless nights.

YES, Joe’s been there!

Then Mr. Know it all decides to BRING IN a "JV"

Now he introduces you to a fellow GURU buddy of HIS

Now they ADD another income stream and sell you YET another program

Now he uses YOUR LIST to RE-INVENT himself and his income

Some would say, "So what, it's just old fashioned capitalism."

Oh really?

Are you sure that's all it is?

I call it bait-n-switch.

Some would say, "It's just introducing your list to alternative
tools and income streams."

Oh really.

Is that what you would call it?

Not me

I call it INCEST

I call it like it is

Peoples’ TRUST is shared quite freely on the internet

Bed partners abound and everyone is a Cowboy, sharing lists,
watering down program integrity and the BIG GUNS (not all obviously)
are using the part-timer rather than INCLUDING
him or her in his funnel

BAIT-N-SWITCH is when they sell a person into program "X"
and then in six months to a year, program "X" is no
longer the rage so they quick change
gears and show people program "B".


Staples never advertises KINKOS and STAR-BUCKS
will never advertise or show you DUNKIN DONUTS


Because if one was a BRAND and one had a REAL business one
would never stoop to the level of a WHORE and liquidate it's own image for the sake of a faster meal ticket


How come


How come McDonalds doesn't JOINT venture with BURGER KING?

If you are a brand

If you honor your customers and your own name

Why then in all that is truth and of honor, would someone
CHANGE horses in the middle of the race?

I'll tell you why

HIS problem is impatience

FIRST he gets used to making $25K to $50K month

Then he builds a LIFE STYLE to support that income

Bigger House
Bigger car
Bigger mortgage

Then sales start to weaken
Then memberships into his primary start to get sluggish

Then he has sleepless nights. YES, others have been there!

Then Mr. Know it all decides to BRING IN a "JV"

Now he introduces you to a fellow GURU buddy of his
Now they ADD another income stream and sell you YET another program

Now he uses YOUR LIST to RE-INVENT himself and his income

I support the opposite


24 hr RECORDED Global Warning from Joe Schroeder
24 hr RECORDED sizzle line
1-800-772-9781 EXT 6 then 16 then 40

There's no FUTURE in anti-integrity

There's no FUTURE in bait-n-switch

FIRST Guru #1 shows you a program then
six months later, you follow her into program # 2

Go ahead.

Be sheered like a sheep.

Go ahead.

Be used.

Go ahead. WATER yourself down and confuse people.

Not me.

Not this Warrior.

Not Joe Schroeder.

LAST week he lost in excess of $22,000

How? Because he decided not to show us his FRIENDS
new how to eBook and his OTHER friends new latest greatest program

"But Dee, it's just capitalism."

No, it's more than that.

Do YOU want to brand yourself?

Do YOU want your name to have great equity and history?

And besides. TRUE brands and the real McCoys
do not water themselves down just to make a buck

When is the last time KINKOS ever asked you
to train with them on a conference call over with OFFICE DEPOT



The problem is with the LIE

The lie begins when they advertise and tell 10,000 people
that they can ALL make money and everyone can GET RICH

That's a lie just as BERNIE MADOFF was a pyramid scum


You can't promise 10,000 people that everyone can get rich


BECAUSE the MATH is impossible

So, they go around and white lie and fib

Then the pyramid starts to un-ravel

Then they decide to whore themselves, and YOUR
list, and the old OH WE CHANGED PROGRAMS begins

Not me

Not Joe Schroeder

YOU want a business

Not a game

What say you?

Do you have a business or a game?

Are the values of your program IN FRONT
of what you sell and do you even have a value driven program?

If what you sell is value driven, BUT the values of the program
are not included and overtly displayed (see NIKE or WAL-MART), then what you sell will not be around in six to twelve months

And people will quit, sales will STOP and you'll have to re-invent
yourself every year in and year out.

Then one year, you'll run out of ideas and people to sheer

And you'll be out of business and have to get a "real job."

The only problem with that is that no one is hiring anymore.

Keep it clean


Joe Schroeder actually answers his own phone


He is transparent


He is not a GURU

He is a businessman

Do you want to be HERE in 10 years?

Do you want to be FULL TIME?

Then do what I do



You can get them at the LIBRARY for FREE

Instead of BUYING books on better LIST BUILDING
and books on how to G-E-T people and MAKE MONEY

Because without a VALUE driven, purpose driven
internal business code, when the people DO show up

They will quickly leave if all the BIG GUN offers is
just another widget to hawk.

Joe doesn’t deliver a widget or a tool to GET RICH

Joe does something that has a more resounding effect on people

Joe delivers a VALUE system that changes average people
into people of super-human ability

At The Million Mind March we deliver MORE life.

Be free.

Start your own economy.

Be free.

Teach others how to become TEN feet tall and bullet proof.

That's a BIGGER promise than just offering 10,000 people FAST RICHES

It's a bigger promise because its something you can

actually deliver to 10,000 people.

Now you know the secret.

In our organization, we never sell money.

Because when you sell a Bernie Madoff
money pyramid you learn that there aren’t enough people
on planet earth to support such a lie.

So you deliver life. And you sell an IDEA and a
process that changes lives.

Here is how to go down in history as a fraud GURU, Big Gun

SELL and promote a GET RICH *MONEY* GET paid program

But first PROVE it and get RICH yourself

Short of YOU being RICH yourself first, is a LIE

Do NOT sell something that you yourself have NOT proven

If you sell a GET RICH PROGRAM and you haven't yet
Made $25,000 then to sell it makes you no better than a CRIMINAL Bernie "Ponzi Scheme" Madoff

No marketing truth has ever been better said or revealed.

We are The Million Mind March

YOU are truth and VICTORY

IF that is, your actions validate HONOR

IF what you do and sell can not be endorsed by your CHILDREN

Chances are, you are secretly off base and tilting
towards something dirty

Dirty pool never lasts

Because truth always filters out waste and lies

The Congregation of Joe

The Million Mind March

Where money is made AFTER we make people
We are a people factory
We BUILD people so people can then build each other
BUILD people and people will then multiply = money


24 hr RECORDED Global Warning from Joe Schroeder
24 hr RECORDED sizzle line

1-800-772-9781 EXT 6 then 16 then 40

There's no FUTURE in anti-integrity

There's no FUTURE in bait-n-switch


24 hr RECORDED Global Warning from Joe Schroeder
24 hr RECORDED sizzle line

1-800-772-9781 EXT 6 then 16 then 40

Go ahead, I know you want to

GOOGLE Joe Schroeder


March 26, 2009

Try It For 27 Days

Just before your head hits the pillow for your date with the sand-man,

speak with authority into your sub-conscious mind

(the one that never sleeps!)

I AM so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.

I speak health, happiness and prosperity to every person that I meet.

I make all my friends feel that they are GREATER than they think they are.

I look on the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.

I think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best.

I AM just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I AM about my own.

I've forgotten the mistakes of the past and press on

to the greater achievements of the future.

I wear a cheerful countenance at all times and

have a smile ready for every living creature that I meet.

I give so much time to the improvement of myself

that I have no time to criticize others.

I AM too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear

and too happy to permit the
presence of trouble.

I think well of myself and proclaim this fact to the world.

Not in loud words, but in great deeds.

I live in FAITH that the world is on my side so long as

I AM true to the best that is in me.

Now...while speaking into your sub-conscious mind,

pretend, if you will that I AM = Universal Mind.

Can you do this?

Sure you can.

WILL you do it?

Don't know.....

but when you do you will be amazed at the results.

March 24, 2009


Imagine 3 lines of people.
The first line is made up of PROSPECTS.
The second one....the MIDDLEMEN.
The "middlemen" are the
MLM distributors and network marketers.
The third line is made up of the FULL-TIMERS...
the GURUS of our industry.
They are MASTERS of....
Mass presentations + prospecting
Mass psychology
They are also MASTERS of
Copy writing
Many network marketers and distributors
psychologically never move off of
the PROSPECT line.
They still have tons of questions...
they haven’t learned everything they need to know.
Their biggest fear is that they won’t have answers
when a PROSPECT asks them questions.
They don’t understand that their PURPOSE or role...
is to take the hand of the prospect
and HOOK them up with the PROS
Here’s a $77,000 tip:
You don’t have to get it right,

you just got to get it going :)
The best thing you can say as a middleman is...
“I don’t know.

 Let me hook you up with __________”
“I’m not sure.

 Let’s get that information for you.”
It’s OK not to know!
It actually puts your prospect at ease

knowing that THEY won't have to KNOW IT ALL

before they can move forward.
That's a HOME RUN!!

Let go of the prospect and TRUST

that your “big fish” will help you.
You may not have all of the answers YET...
but you sure CAN let go of your fear and confusion.

In reality....

the less you say, the better off you are!
It’s easy to POINT and be cool and friendly.
BE the middle guy and drop the EGO.
You’ll save yourself a lot of grief and frustration.

Join us every Monday night at 9:27 EST

to experience demonstrations of CAN DO!

Dial in @ 1 641 594 7000 pin 600088#

March 23, 2009

Become The Consciousness Of Your Goals

I'm truly pleased that you allowed yourself to be here

It shows that you believe in possibility

that you believe in yourself

I'm thinking the words "Can't be done"

don't pass your lips

Good for you!!


"The most expensive thing in the world is a closed mind"


no wimps or cry babies allowed!!

It takes guts, determination and a desire that won't be denied

to stand up and FIGHT for your freedom

and LOSE what doesn't serve you in life


I am not here to convince you of anything

My intent is to point you to information, training and

the communities of REAL people that will



and support you in your goals

There's no competition

You get the whole crew

"Keep attention on your INTENTION"

Here's a tip

"Begin as you mean to end"


If you mean to end as a LEADER.....

you get my drift?

Here"s another tip


"Act as if and go as though"


To become the consciousness of your goal



Relax dear sage

all will revealed

but START now!

Begin where you are and gain knowledge (wisdom) and skills

Quit worrying about the money you may spend

Another chin puller....

Which came first?

Marketing or Mind-Set?

and the answer is

drum roll please


Can't have one without the other

Picture a row boat with 2 oars

One oar is MARKETING

the other is MIND-SET

If you focus only on the marketing (oar)


only on the mind-set (oar)

you can see,

cause you're smart,

that you wouldn't GET anywhere

You'd be going around in circles!!

Use both oars, in perfect BALANCE

and you move forward, slowly but surely

Tip # 573

"To go FAST, go SLOW"


I LOVE this stuff!!

Work on your MIND at

Work on your MARKETING skills at

Training is FREE and off the hook!!

We are ONE, unified and seamless

All you need is a referral and that would be me!


Nuff said

March 18, 2009

The FREE Market Economy : Good or Bad?

It's true that in a free-market economy

all sorts of crimes are possible

That doesn’t make the free market itself bad

Get it?

It just means that the people who operate with the intention

to scam others
need to be reined in


Too many people never get justice or compensation

when buying over the internet

If something sounds interesting to you

and you're tempted to buy

consider using Google to get some feedback from others who

bought or used the service

Google is GOD on the internet and nothing is SECRET

I've always thought that it would be a great idea to have an

HONEST media that would expose the really BIG scams

so that the buyer CAN be aware

The ONLINE press is called Google

Let’s never delude ourselves into thinking that a free market

AUTOMATICALLY makes everybody great

and honest and creative

It seems to me that a free-market economy

if it’s going to work at all

has to contain a certain amount of honor

In a free-market economy citizen justice has a place

If it’s canceled out then the way is clear for crooks

to steal the farm

When you honestly feel you've been scammed

EXPOSE the culprit

Put it on record and save the next poor sap

who didn't take the time to do his homework

I've been scammed once or twice and lived to talk about it

March 17, 2009

Online Sharks and Sociopaths

In my last post I talked about the type of people searching for opportunities online

In this post I'll chat a little about those lying in wait for them

These guys are the embodiment of the hope of the "sheep"

They know their stuff, their marketing ploys

They've studied NLP (neuro linguistic programming)

they know how to twist words

and prey on the emotions of their victims

and they USE people to make money

I don't know how these guys sleep at night

Maybe they don't??

My concern is not with them

I truly believe that what you do to other people God does to you

Some call it KARMA

My concern is for the decent, honest people who are dusting off their dreams

The thousands who've lost their jobs and are looking for a way to care of their families

The ones who will be flocking into the MLM and home business industry

unaware and full of hope

My philosophy is "Love people, USE money"

Not the other way around

I believe that what you give away, you get to keep

I KNOW that the answers are within and not in some new "automated system"

It takes work and diligence to be successful

What's your philosophy??

Do you even have one??

I vote for those who sincerely want to be a part of healing this industry as a whole

The ones that lay it on the table and speak TRUTH,

the whole truth and nothing but the truth

My votes with a community for entrepreneurs

where new people can grow and find their voice

Where those who truly want to learn are encouraged not hustled


a master mind

After all, aren't we in this for the long haul??

I am

I'm still learning

I found a safe place to practice being my authentic self

I surround myself with uncommon mentors

Where I'm allowed to love myself and nobody thinks I'm weird

And there's no competition

you get the whole crew

from beginners to masters

All you need is better information

and a better environment

The Million Mind March is where you

change your mind, change your income and change your life

then go about helping to change the world

one person at a time

Will you join my movement??

It's FREE and open to the public

Be sure to stop by and say hi

let me know you arrived safe : )

The Million Mind March

March 3, 2009

Biz Op Junkie + Out Of Your MIND

I was recently enlightened on a few key points about the types of people searching for opportunities and systems online.

Most fall into 2 categories.

1. The Biz Op Junkie:

Jumps from program to program

When the junkie doesn't find success with one program, they will quit and hop over to another one. After all, it's the "program" that failed, not them.

2. In and Out of MIND:

Excited one day and NOT the next

In this example, the opportunity seeker has found a program they LOVE but can't seem to generate success. This causes them to be UP one day and DOWN the next. They search for the perfect "system" or GURU.

In both cases, the suspect is searching for a solution outside of themselves and looking to "buy" that solution.

What they may not realize is that, while in this MIND - SET, they're at risk for falling victim to pretty much every marketing ploy that exists.

BTW: If you are a JUNKIE or Out of Your MIND, it's OK cause all you're doing is looking for answers.....

and that's commendable.

Today, most people are operating from a position of FEAR and looking to be saved.

Just watch the news!!

If you're goal is to become a savvy marketer with HEART, learn to THINK and know the MIND of your prospects.

The solutions always come from within and the POINT is, that the system doesn't exist that will "make" you successful.

A prospects 2 main fears are these:

1. Will I lose my money?

2. Will I make a fool of myself?

Once you know how your prospect thinks, you can lay it out for them, dispel their fears and come from a position of inspiration.

Stop asking, "What should I DO?"

Start asking, "How should I THINK?"

Teach and show people how things REALLY work and
in the end you give TRUTH.

Serve them and be flexible.

The choice for 2010 is walk in FEAR or walk in INTEGRITY.

Can you THINK??

Who are you MODELING?

Think, think, think for yourself!!

And model those who are doing the "thing" that you want to accomplish.

You'll make a fortune.

"Mechanics Of Wealth"