
December 24, 2009

blah, blah, blah + bAh huMBug

There is an undeniably brilliant

ENERGY that circulates

at this time of the year.

People DARING to bust out

of themselves to SMILE at,

acknowledge and

WISH eachother

the very BEST for the


It's a GENUINE feeling of

warmth and LOVE

that goes way beyond the

GIFTS and merry making.

All I want for chRISTmas is

for that feeling to.....


LOVE life like you've never

loved LIFE before.

Make an agreement with


to BE that


as a lifestyle

Why NOT make a resloution

THIS YEAR that you CAN keep?

Resolve to kick your SCROOGE

in the butt, everyday!

Choose to BE the person

that makes OTHER

people feel GOOD about


LOVE other people before

they LOVE you :)

Be sincere and have FUN.

EBENEEZER doesn't live here anymore.


for the coming YEAR and

every MOMENT before,





December 15, 2009

Are You At The MERCY OF A System?

Kick back, grab a glass of

your favorite beverage

and LISTEN intently.

If you're a MARKETER or

even THINKING of becoming one,

this audio will tILt you world.

In MY wORld,

SANTA drives a tricked out Ford F150

and wears a cowboy hat!

2 CD Set + Booklet

December 13, 2009

St. Peter And The Dead Guy

This guy dies and reaches the "pearly gates".

He was fifty-nine.

So there his is, in HEAVEN and St. Peter says,

"Let me take you to your NEW residence."

They both enter this totally fabulous and

breath taking big house;

like over 10,000 sq. feet!!

Obviously the dead guy is THRILLED and says,

"This is incredible."

But it gets better.

His mother, who passed on years earlier,

is outside on the patio, waiting to see him again!

Plus, when he opens the fridge,

it's stocked to the gills with

all of his favorite foods!

Then, as St. Peter shows the guy

around his stellar new home

the guy notices there is NO furniture;

except for the boxes.

There were corrugated boxes everywhere.

Stacked a mile high.

They were each three feet tall

and about two feet wide.

Like shipping boxes that you would use

whenever you moved from one house to another.

I mean, these boxes were everywhere!!

And the dead guy asks St. Peter,

"Hey Pete, what's up with all of these boxes?

How come?"

St. Peter smiled and said,

"Oh, that's nothing.

These are simply all of the things

that we had ready to give you,

but you decided never to ask for them."

How deep

I hope the moral of this story is obvious.

If not, here it is.

ASK to receive.

If you don't,

you will have no idea of what you could have had.

What you could have experienced in life

and to what large degree you could have

shared abundance with your family!

Excerpt from "The Mechanics Of Wealth"

THINK long and HARD on this, grasshopper.

Just WHAT are you asking for to show up?

Is it TASKS to equal your powers or

the POWERS equal to your tasks??

Ask and think LARGE and

YOU will BE and receive HUGE.

This ain't rhetoric or

new age mumbo-jumbo....

This is a BASIC law of the Universe and

the Universe is friendly to your needs.

Ponder me this:

Would YOU have gotten that date

with the guy or girl of your dreams

if you were too chicken to ask??


How 'bout that raise at work?

Do you THINK yourself UNWORTHY??

Will adopting a different way of thinking,

a NEW philosophy get you to

where you want to BE and,

more importantly,

WHO you want to BE?

You can bank on it!!

Will miracles happen over-night?

Not a chance!

It's a process...

that demands belief, faith and


NO quick fix...

NO instant gratification.

However, once BEGUN...

the JOURNEY is stunning

and filled with surprises that will


which = further conscious ACTION

YOUR journey begins here

Join me

MONDAY nights at 9:27 EST


Open to the public calls

1 641 594 7000

access code 600088#

December 8, 2009

Follow The Guy With The Brown Suitcase

I'm outside Chicago Ohare airport, havin' a smoke and contemplating my next move.

See, I had missed my connecting flight home and was forced to stay over.

My room was booked for the night and I needed to locate the shuttle bus station to catch a ride to the hotel.

By the way, this was my first visit to the WINDY city and Ohare airport.

Ohare is monstrously HUGE, busy and unforgiving.

There are NO smiling faces in recognizable uniforms to point weary travellers in the right direction.

I had to figure this out for myself so I did what any WARRIOR would do and asked the first guy that walked by.

"Excuse me buddy. Can you tell me where the hotel shuttle bus station is?" I say

"Right down there." he replys. "See those flashing lights?"

I look up and over 4 lanes of traffic, a wide median, 4 more lanes of traffic, through some trees and down a small embankment.


There's the station, easy peasy.

I thank the lovely gentleman and off I go.

Getting through the first four lanes of traffic was a cinch cause there was, hold onto your hat, a clearly defined "cross walk" painted on the road.

The next obstacle posed a bit of a problem.

4 lanes of cars, whizzing by, nothing painted on the road or, god forbid, any pedestrian crossing lights.

So I'm standing on the curb thinking about NOT getting hit by a car when, out of the corner of my eye, I spy a guy coming up on my right side.

He gets next to me on the curb and I notice he's pulling a brown suitcase.

This is where it gets "weird".

This guy looks both ways, hesitates but a moment and steps into the first lane of traffic!!

Me, I'm fairly horrified and watch with fascination as the traffic yields to this MAN GIANT and he makes his way towards the second lane of traffic.

The cars on the right slow down, the cars on the left are pulling away and man, it's like watching MOSES PARTING THE RED SEA!!

At this point it finaly becomes obvious to me that this guy BELIEVES he's getting across that road unscathed and he has FAITH cause, no doubt, he's done this before.

I make my move off the curb, scoot right up behind my MOSES guy and follow him the rest of the way across.

Just before we make the curb on the far side, he notices me, we make eye contact and I say,

"I'm following you, my friend, cause you look like you KNOW what you're doing."

He chuckles and heads off through the bushes and down the hill.

There's a moral to this story and it's this:

Follow the guy that BELIEVES, has FAITH in the fact that he KNOWS what he's doing and that no one will be hurt along the way.


If it's at all possible, arrange your travel plans to EXCLUDE connecting flights through Ohare Airport.

I've heard Denver is brilliant!

November 24, 2009

I Got Friends In LOW Places!!

Wait JUST a minute....

SOCIETY might measure you by your JOB title

your JOB title may decide your WAGE.....


YOU determine your own WORTH







I don't care if you CLEAN TOILETS

for a living!!

WE ARE ALL EQUAL in potential

and besides....

the highly EDUCATED tend to be

know it alls!

NOT open to new ideas and CONCEPTS.

The FINEST people and the ones to WATCH

are those that had the SPINE to

STARE down mediocrity, rise above

circumstance and BECOME what they saw

in their heads!!



they WON'T tell you it was EASY

QUICK and miraculous!!

They WILL NOT say it'll happen over night.

The RIGHT people will give it to you STRAIGHT!

Joe Schroeder - truck driver

Diane Hochman - depressed housewife

Kristen Darkenwald - 26 and never had a REAL job

Dee Gabinet - burned out bartender

INSERT YOUR NAME here __________

stand in front of the mirror and SALUTE yourself :)

"If you can hold in your MIND, long enough,

your DESIRE and VISION as a true reality upon

your SELF, what you will need between your hands

in order to bring that desire into manifestation,

WILL HAPPEN." JLS ~ Supermind

When YOU become 10 feet tall + bullet proof,

get under OTHER people and lift them up....

the UNIVERSE takes note and BENDS

towards you.

Keep a notebook handy,

write down the WHISPERS, hunches and ideas

that come to you (cause they WILL) and KNOW

that anything anyone else has done before you


Love people, use money....

NOT the other way around.

Do the BASICS every day,

don't take it for granted.

That's my RANT for today!!

Join me and my friends

Monday Nights at 9:27 pm EST

1 641 594 7000

access code 600088#

Learn the BASICS, the core skills to

take you to YOUR higher place.

Dee Gabinet
778 230 7026


you're still here :)

Want MORE?? ======>>>

Mechanics Of Wealth ~ 2 CDs + 2 Booklets + Report

Just toss in the shipping and handling

November 22, 2009

Sunday Wisdom SEED

Always remember the "code" in life.

I AM + BE + THINK + Sow + Big House.

The world will tell you different. Society

is all about get, grab, earn and struggle.

Prove it to yourself. Pick up a newspaper

or speak to anyone any a.m. as they java

their weakened bodies as they car pool

together into more of the same.

They teach:

School + hard work + Make Goals +

watch yur P's and Q's = 401K

They take from their boss and only return a little.

They take from each other and remove POTENTIAL

from each other with words like "no way" and "won't work."

They take, take, take, from themselves and from

each other. The REMOVE vision from each other

with words like "it's a scam, won't work" and

you will never be a Millionaire.

The world will meet you at the energy you beleive in.

What you tell other people they can NOT have, the

world listens and delivers your words back to you '

in the form of never enough, struggle and fear.

I AM + BE + THINK + SOW = Big Hat.

The world gives to the giver and takes from the taker.

You can not TAKE a breath without GIVING one away.

You can not share happiness without also

growing a smile on someone else's smile.

You can not be rich without first adding to other people.

Begin with I AM. Begin by speaking VICTORY

into yourself. Because all that you say you

are is all that you will ever believe in enough

to demonstrate to other people.

BELIEVE to see

If you wait to "see it" before you belive it

you will never see it because you can not

pursue or have, what you first could not see.

The world teaches WORK HARD.


How many hard working construction workers

do you know who live in MANSIONS.

The world teaches GET a GOOD JOB!

That's funny.

Ben Franklin and Oprah never

had a job. They created their own work

and lived to prove that whatever energy you

believe in is the energy that will pay you.

OPRAH doesn't work hard, in fact I bet

she works less than most people.


Because the world doesn't pay you for what you

know, the world pays you for the work

you can do and pays you even MORE if you

can be wise enough to delegate your work to OTHER people.

That's how the rich get richer.

They get other people to work their better.

They get other people to assemble what they THINK about.

That's what HENRY FORD did.

What energy do you believe in?

Work? Over-time? Struggle?

Ease? Influence?




Game almost over.

Sun down is coming.

THINK QUICK because life teaches you to think

and THINKING teaches you how to better live.

Please make sure you hear Joe Schroeder's latest

WISDOM audio CD, "Ducks, Trucks and City Lights."

24 hrs. ReC. Message 1-800-772-9781 EXT 10

November 5, 2009

Yeah I Coulda Got A 900 # But.........

I chose Network Marketing instead!!

"Do what you already KNOW how to do"

Just BE YOU and give it time...Rome wasn't built in a DAY and

neither will your BUSINESS.

Basic concepts for building a business using Social Media.

November 4, 2009

Society Will Applaud The LEAST Of YOU!!

Go ahead try it....

Tell someone you're bullet proof and 10 feet tall!

Admit you secretly read books like...




and that you listen to CDs by Tony Robbins!

Tell 'em you're going after your first million.

You'll have them laughing at you in NO time. 

They'll ask you if you're practicing your new STAND UP act....

as if THAT were more believable!!

They're really not trying to be mean...

they just have a limited SELF IMAGE.

Gustave Le Bon, a great analyst of "the crowd" said,

"Man as part of the multitude loses his individuality

and becomes the consciousness of the mob.  This is

different from his isolated self should he decree his

voluntary association (with the mob)".

Joe Schroeder adds this morsel of WISDOM:

"And while within the crowd, notice their tearing

at eachother, their inability to excercise SELF and

their constant attention to never having enough."

It takes just as much EFFORT to think:

I could NEVER do that!

What would the NEIGHBORS say?

My spouse wouldn't approve.

Can't afford it.

I'm such a LOSER!


as it does to THINK BIGGER thoughts.

Even if you just repeat it to YOURSELF at first....


tell OTHER people how GREAT they are!

"When you become MORE through an elevated


people and multiplying situations literally


Schoederism #276

Test it out

STEP into it!


Just ask the GREAT Scott Manesis!!

This SIMPLE practice is YOUR first step toward


October 6, 2009

Philosophy Of A Mayonnaise Jar

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee! 

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.  When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.  He then asked the students if the jar was full.  They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.
He shook the jar lightly.  The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full.  They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.  Of course, the sand filled up everything else.  He asked once more if the jar was full.  The students responded with an unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.  The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.  The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.  The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else---the small stuff.  "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.  The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are really critical to your happiness.  Spend time with your children.  Spend time with your parents.  Visit with grandparents.  Take personal responsibility for your health.  Take your spouse out to dinner.   There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.  Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter.  Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.  The professor smiled and said, "I'm glad you asked."  The coffee just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

September 23, 2009

Paralyzed?? Step Out Of Emotion

We've all been there.

Make that list of 100, pitch your friends and family and soon they don't even answer the phone.  When they REJECT us we become emotional and fearful of taking any further action!!  After all, we're only human, right?  We begin to doubt ourselves and this industry as a whole.

What if they don't LIKE me?

What if they so NO?

Network Marketing sucks!!

Step out of your EMOTION.  This is not a selling game, it's a SORTING game

Make this your MANTRA:  "I'm looking for people that are looking for me"
Once you've learned how to properly screen and qualify your prospects you will
not become emotionally attached to whether or not you "get them"

Here's the rules for SORTING:  Build curiosity, teach valuable skills and provide instructions to follow.  The faster you can sort through people and qualify them, the sooner you will experience success.  Once they come on board and they will....  Invest YOUR time with them.

YOU make a move, THEY move.  You make a 2nd move, they move again.  You make a 3rd move  and if they DON'T, use the NO EMOTION POLICY - You are outta there :)

Love the one you're with while they keep going but if they quit, don't let it get to you.
Get yourself into a business stance, be ALERT and pay attention.  The reality is you KNOW how few good people you need to experience success
and HOW MANY you need to sort through to find them. Find the ones that are ready AT THE MOMENT to do what they need to do.  Follow through and work hard.


BELIEVE that you're sorting and not selling.  Grasp this about the network marketing industry....In the beginning you work like an ANIMAL to get to that first threshold (and it's not as long as you may think).  Then you gain momentum that will BLOW YOU AWAY!!  The only way this will happen is if you hold those emotions in check long enough to get through the first 45 - 90 days.

Will you lose your EMOTION and walk the gauntlet to get to the other side??  You can't skip the basics, my friend.  You can try but it won't work.

July 31, 2009

Diligence, Enthusiasm And Timing

It's no accident that Network Marketing is finaly getting the recognition it deserves in these "tough" economic times.  It's a given that the greatest opportunities are found during times of chaos.  Funny thing is that this business model has been around for over 50 years!

Donald Trump:
"Network Marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income. There have been some remarkable examples of success and those successes have been earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product combined with timing."

Billionaire Warren Buffet :
" The best Investment I ever made."

Stephen Covey:
"Direct selling helps affirm people's worth and potential and can open up a whole new alternative income stream that can make a huge difference in their lives. It is an entrepreneurial opportunity where people can use their talent and their passion towards a greater good."

Simply put....Network Marketing is a "network" of PEOPLE (your own) trading goods and services amongst eachother.  The RICH have always used this model.
They're all connected and it's on purpose.  The working class basically ignores eachother, can't see beyond being an employee and cries, "MLM is a pyramid scheme."
They openly vote against $$$ and secretly wish they had some.
Rather than support eachother they rage against the "system" while forking over their hard earned cash to support it!

What it boils down to is this:  Network Marketing is a SIMPLE concept but it's not easy.  Most won't take the time (away from the 6 o'clock snews) to do a little research, find an opportunity that fits their lifestyle and someone they TRUST to show them the way.  I've had my finger on the pulse of this industry for over a decade.
I've watched some companies grow to be HUGE.  I've watched good, caring people lose their shirts and others amass armies of followers and great wealth.

Why do some fail and others succeed?

The missing link:  The average JOE can't and shouldn't rely on the COMPANIES to train them to be effective marketers. That's NOT their purpose.  The companies are there to supply the products, ship them to your customers and pay out commissions.
It's up to the individual to seek outside, impartial training and learn the neccessary skills to grow into an entrepreneur, a MARKETER and a leader.

You want to be a leader?
Hang out with LEADERS.
Want to learn marketing mastery?
Hang out with MASTER marketers.
Want to adopt a mind-set of abundance and wealth?
Hang out in a community of people who SPEAK abundance and wealth.

If you've looked at this industry but weren't too sure...
LOOK AGAIN...If you've tried it and failed but can't seem to stay away,
find some solid training and DOUBLE your efforts.  It's time to get back to school.

Trends are changing. We've moved through the information age and into the ATTENTION age.  Lead with VALUE and entertain people.  Make a few bucks and have a good time.  Set aside your own STUFF in the name of helping others.
Have the fortitude to MASTER yourself.  And above all else...Watch what the gurus DO, NOT what they say.

You don't need a new website or blog.  You don't need to be a technological whiz kid.
You don't need the latest "automated" system.  Can you learn this stuff?  Absolutely!
Start with what you already KNOW how to do and learn the other stuff as you work on your business.  Do you know how to DO YOU?  Well then....

What are you waiting for?

July 8, 2009

The Secret To Automatic Supply

In the land of "CAN DO" a young sage named William asked his teacher for another secret of the ages.  A wisdom so profound that upon hearing this pearl of GENIUS
a young sage could instantly hear the antidote and then press more FAVOR and supply into his life.  Favor is when absolute strangers get UNDERNEATH your dream.

Favor is the greatest gift from God.  Favor is the catalyst of all supply.
Look up "favor" and study it's miraculous gift of addition.  IF STRANGERS have ever entered you life and said, "Need a hand?"  Then you have already experienced the the miracle of FAVOR.

Favor can be predicted by the favor you grant others.  Therefore, if you want to apply pressure to this law of the Universe and gather more reciprocity into your own life,
just seek OTHERS and add increase into them.  ADD a little portion of yourself UNTO them.  Why?  Because what you DO to people God (the universe) does TO you.

It's the principle of favor.  Unleashed.

(see) "The Blessing Of Favor" by Kate McVeigh (Amazon) = Huge!

Bonus Tip: When you study how common people like myself tip from common to automatic abundance, study NOT what they are doing or did, but rather the principle they exercised BEFORE their lives transformed.

Onward.  Let's get back to our story about William.  Where were we?
Oh--so, here's how the wise teacher answered William's request.

William And The Old Warrior

Yes, the wise old man was a Samurai Warrior.  Of course he was and he answered the young sage, "There are three ANGELS.  One is the ANGEL of wealth, the other the ANGEL of knowledge and the last ANGEL, is the bright light of DESIRE-FORCE."
That Angel, by the way, the Angel of desire, is responsible for turning people's knowledge into applied motion.

Then the Old Warrior continued.

"Most people have a natural disposition to be in love with WEALTH and they completely ignore the other two Angels."  William then muttered under his breath,
"That's not good."  The Samurai Warrior added, "Then there are those who know a lot and who study hard and the Angel of knowledge gets great recognition."
Young William then looked confused and asked, "So please Master, what is the answer?"  Here is what the Great Warrior said.

"The SECRET is to feed the Angel of DESIRE the most.  For two reasons, first because the other TWO Angels (knowledge and wealth) will get jealous and apply themselves more and secondly, because without the DESIRE-FORCE being concentrated on the most, great wealth and your knowledge will go unapplied."

Thus making the lesson this:

Knowledge and the potential for money cancel themselves out without the application of DESIRE inserted within action.  Just begin to say "YES" to more people MORE often.
That will bring back to you, as a response to your desire-force, the people and circumstances that sit within your destiny.  Think of this as blessing your "want" before the GET shows up.  Make yourself an ATOM of Desire and you will attract the people, the circumstances and the absolute opportunities that will tilt the Great Universe for you.

Just tune yourself towards your supply by pressing your DESIRE into your potential (people).

"The Alpha Code" Joe Schroeder

July 7, 2009

Unprepared + Lazy People Are Dangerous

In Network Marketing those that ask:

  • Where and how do I find people?
  • Can you school me?
  • Will you teach me to gather a list?

are dangerous to our industry and here's why.

No matter what you show them they can't get it or do it

and they hop from GURU to GURU

asking the same questions and

getting the same bogus results!

What makes them dangerous is that they quit,

leave upset and permeate this industry

as confused lambs.

They infect all of us with their war stories.

They shout, "Oh poor me I have lost so much money."

The TRUTH is that people who work this industry

properly and make money,

never ask anyone "how to market."

These types secretly and all alone, fussed and studied

while the rest of the world was sleeping and asleep.

Dillard, Karganilla, Hochman and all the greats

never had to ask,

"How do I do what you (guru) do and get

what you have?"


They didn't have to.

They could see the common denominators.

They were smart enough to tinker,

to test stuff and to toss money

at their own little campaigns.

It's the GREATS, the DOERS, the THINKERS

who rise and end up ruling over those too small minded

and lazy to work it out for themselves.

It's a FACT that 75% who read this and walk past

this concept, this IDEA, won't get it.

They won't understand the philosophy of it

and the mistake is to expect them to.

YOU only need a handful of people to get wealthy.

ONLY a handful.

A teeny-tiny band of 7-10 ZEALOTS.

You don't need everyone and besides,

the more you become "all of you" the more others

will learn to detest you.

The more TALL you become, the less the

closest people in your life will like you.

The common will see you as a threat and

the ones least likely to duplicate your success

will learn to despise you.

You'll see.

A TRUE warrior is prepared to eat alone.

He understands that teach another how to load a gun

often proves foolish cause he ends up shooting you!

Lead but do not FEED people.

Allow other people to feed themselves or

they may end up HATING you for spoon-feeding them.

They'll resent you for burping them instead of

leading them as an EQUAL.

June 21, 2009

Father's Day LOVERAGE Idea

And now about DAD (and MOM).


Here is what they call a "treatment." (a way to be)

I vow to use this myself, towards MY OWN folks.

Mom and Dad sometimes forget to ask me about me.

They almost NEVER ask about my work

and who rarely, if ever, ask about my love.

In my earlier days, their ways and their denial of my bliss

man did that peeve me.

Big time.

And as the years grew my maturity and allowed me council

with BIG and LOVING minds, I schooled

in the fine art of BEING and learned to transcend childish

moronic dumb little "ego" filled DEE ways.

Try this today:

TODAY dear friend, as you see Mom and Dad

use this with your Dad today and your Mom.

THE TREATMENT or the technique of ALL LOVE

Remember that Dad and Mom NO longer OWE you a new bike

"Dee, what are you nuts? I am old now and 42.

Of course I know my parents do not owe me a bike."

My reply?

You may know that intellectually dear sage


But there is still the SIXTEEN year old in you and we

often forget we are all grown now and still see

our folks as mommy and daddy.

Try this.

See your parents for a day JUST as people.

Not people that owe you college.

Not anyone who owes you more hugs.

Be them.

And think about their struggle, and commitment to RAISE you

And pay their own bills

SEE Dad today as a man, not as a parent and LOVE HIM!!!!!!!

remember their own struggles of a life that maybe wasn't

a "home run" for them, and yet they were still there for you.

REVERSE the roles a bit and be their parent

And HUG and FUSS all over your folks today.

Let Dad maybe be the grouch that he is

Let MOM forget about asking you about your life

Remember, MOM screws up JUST as you and I do.

So then . . .

RETURN the gift of LIFE that MOM and DAD gave you

By being ALL LOVE and ALL MIND towards them


Not always.

Not easy at all.


But see,

We are not kids anymore and the clock




Is moving forward and time is short

WHAT can you tell your folks today that will make

you happy, in the event you NEVER see them again?

It's a game called life.

A game called, we don't live forever.

A game called ALL LOVE

A game called "all grown up."

TO FORGIVE is to love

To FORGIVE is to INVITE more life

TO FORGIVE is to "be".

Today, I ask my friend, that you be a MAN or a LADY GIANT

Seek not the pat on the head, GIVE it

. . . instead of needing one yourself

Seek NOT the platitude,

BE the platitude and GIVE yours to them

Now THAT is an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No more bikes owed to you

No more sandwiches MOM needs to make you

Mom used to clean your diapers and wipe your nose

Mom and dad were THERE for us, on many levels.

And now we MOM and DAD back, towards THEM

so cool

Because we can

because WE are TALL now

Because it's a choice

Because it's the RIGHT thing to do

Because you are ALL LOVE

If only for today

And pressed into FOREVER

That's it

"be someone for somebody" today

I will and you will too

That feels good.

Love to you all

May 5, 2009

When Does Opportunity Turn Into A Nightmare?

Watch this and listen very, very carefully......

The 3% invest $5,000 to $20,000 and they build “systems”

that they retail and sell to everyone else.

Their secret is two fold.

(A) They created things and are set-up to earn large off of a lot of people.

Their second secret is

(B) that they retail.

They charge you for websites, they sell and charge you for leads and

they charge you and retail you systems.

That’s called leverage and it transcends “opportunity” and allows

the big guns, who are the elite 3%, to earn in multiple tiny chunks which

leads to a larger piece of the pie.

It’s very smart.

It takes a larger vision and it takes money to properly set yourself up.

The 97% or the “Johnny Lunch Buckets,” sit and stare at people like that.

They giggle and say,

“I am broke.”

They remain employed in the work-farce.

They can’t even fathom properly setting themselves up to earn

off of loads of people in multiple ways and they sit there with a

“I do MLM” sticker stuck to their foreheads.

Almost like a bulls-eye that says,

“Please shoot me and put me out of my misery.”

The 3% are doing DIRECT RESPONSE marketing.

Which means they have learned to place ads that

are self funding, because they retail information and systems,

which means the 97% are paying them constantly.

The 97% stand in front of the cash register as buyers,

while the smarties who represent the 3% are behind the cash register

collecting all the money in more ways than seven.

The 97% complain how “busted” they are.

Only use debit cards and they couldn’t even in their wildest

imagination explain to you how they market,

advertise and how they build a team.


It’s simple.

Because while the 97% will pay $1,000 over and over

and join a new flavor of the month "fast money",

they still won’t invest in themselves and learn how

to market using direct response methods.

Does he advertise?


Is he prepared to work 100 new leads every fourteen days

that he created himself?


He simply sits there and asks,

“Please pay me.”

The Big Fat Lie of The Internet

The internet doesn’t lie.

The internet is a beautiful, beautiful place where dreams have

come true and where serious wealth is created.

The internet can’t lie.

It’s just a widget or a tool.

The lie is when one man tells another man, that anyone can get rich.

In truth, wealth is reserved for the diligent few who take the time to learn

how to grow people and leverage their time.

Until you transform yourself into a direct response marketer

you will experience more pain and you will lose again and again.

The 3% who rule over the 97% are direct sales marketers who

learned how to grow lists,

get their phones to ring,

how to grow people and

leverage other people’s time and money.


March 27, 2009

The Matrix * The Dove * Nike * Joe Schroeder

Did you ever notice, or wonder, why the

big names seem to start a program and then
within six to twelve months it basically goes away?

Did you ever notice how the BIG GUNS
over time, who you were following, now introduce
their other Big Gun friends to you?

Now you are following Big Gun #1 and then
their friend big gun #2


They SHARE LISTS with each other

They change programs

They use you and your traffic to get richer


Because they have bills to pay and what they
STARTED to promote, over time, Peters out

So they use YOUR list

Remember, YOU sent YOUR friends to THEIR site

FIRST you sent your friends to join a "must see" new biz opp

Now it's been six to twelve months and now Mrs. GURU
and Mr. Big have either gone in a DIFFERENT direction

or, included one of their other GURU buddies

and you know what?

This pattern has been happening
upon the internet, since 100 years ago, back in 1995


Here is what the RICH on-line do

Step 1:They suck 2,000 to 5,000 part timers into a program

Step 2: Get those little FISH to send traffic to them

Step 3: Get worried after six months because SALES are down

Step 4: Worry because only a few are making any real money

Now they change the game. Now they ADD another program.

But who cares? It' all about making more money off the
backs of the little guy

The Little guys are desperate suckers, right?

And as a BIG GURU all they do is keep showing you HOW-TO'S
because that's what suckers buy. Another TRAFFIC so called solution
and you buy the means to GET PAID / as in a lottery

Then there is The Million Mind March

Same products

We never brought in a GURU from the outside

We never ADDED an MLM and we never left

Joe Schroeder has never sent me even ONE
offer to BUY someone else's product.

He hasn't


No, he has not

That's because he doesn’t bring in managers from
STAPLES to speak to people who work at KINKOS

He doesn’t CROSS pollinate, on purpose

He actually honors the trust I have put upon him
and one of his values is not (to) PROSTITUTE his list

The Full-Timers problem

HIS problem is impatience

FIRST he gets used to making $25K to $50K PER month

Then he builds a LIFE STYLE to support that income

Bigger House
Bigger car
Bigger mortgage

Then sales start to weaken

Then memberships into his primary start to get sluggish

Then he has sleepless nights.

YES, Joe’s been there!

Then Mr. Know it all decides to BRING IN a "JV"

Now he introduces you to a fellow GURU buddy of HIS

Now they ADD another income stream and sell you YET another program

Now he uses YOUR LIST to RE-INVENT himself and his income

Some would say, "So what, it's just old fashioned capitalism."

Oh really?

Are you sure that's all it is?

I call it bait-n-switch.

Some would say, "It's just introducing your list to alternative
tools and income streams."

Oh really.

Is that what you would call it?

Not me

I call it INCEST

I call it like it is

Peoples’ TRUST is shared quite freely on the internet

Bed partners abound and everyone is a Cowboy, sharing lists,
watering down program integrity and the BIG GUNS (not all obviously)
are using the part-timer rather than INCLUDING
him or her in his funnel

BAIT-N-SWITCH is when they sell a person into program "X"
and then in six months to a year, program "X" is no
longer the rage so they quick change
gears and show people program "B".


Staples never advertises KINKOS and STAR-BUCKS
will never advertise or show you DUNKIN DONUTS


Because if one was a BRAND and one had a REAL business one
would never stoop to the level of a WHORE and liquidate it's own image for the sake of a faster meal ticket


How come


How come McDonalds doesn't JOINT venture with BURGER KING?

If you are a brand

If you honor your customers and your own name

Why then in all that is truth and of honor, would someone
CHANGE horses in the middle of the race?

I'll tell you why

HIS problem is impatience

FIRST he gets used to making $25K to $50K month

Then he builds a LIFE STYLE to support that income

Bigger House
Bigger car
Bigger mortgage

Then sales start to weaken
Then memberships into his primary start to get sluggish

Then he has sleepless nights. YES, others have been there!

Then Mr. Know it all decides to BRING IN a "JV"

Now he introduces you to a fellow GURU buddy of his
Now they ADD another income stream and sell you YET another program

Now he uses YOUR LIST to RE-INVENT himself and his income

I support the opposite


24 hr RECORDED Global Warning from Joe Schroeder
24 hr RECORDED sizzle line
1-800-772-9781 EXT 6 then 16 then 40

There's no FUTURE in anti-integrity

There's no FUTURE in bait-n-switch

FIRST Guru #1 shows you a program then
six months later, you follow her into program # 2

Go ahead.

Be sheered like a sheep.

Go ahead.

Be used.

Go ahead. WATER yourself down and confuse people.

Not me.

Not this Warrior.

Not Joe Schroeder.

LAST week he lost in excess of $22,000

How? Because he decided not to show us his FRIENDS
new how to eBook and his OTHER friends new latest greatest program

"But Dee, it's just capitalism."

No, it's more than that.

Do YOU want to brand yourself?

Do YOU want your name to have great equity and history?

And besides. TRUE brands and the real McCoys
do not water themselves down just to make a buck

When is the last time KINKOS ever asked you
to train with them on a conference call over with OFFICE DEPOT



The problem is with the LIE

The lie begins when they advertise and tell 10,000 people
that they can ALL make money and everyone can GET RICH

That's a lie just as BERNIE MADOFF was a pyramid scum


You can't promise 10,000 people that everyone can get rich


BECAUSE the MATH is impossible

So, they go around and white lie and fib

Then the pyramid starts to un-ravel

Then they decide to whore themselves, and YOUR
list, and the old OH WE CHANGED PROGRAMS begins

Not me

Not Joe Schroeder

YOU want a business

Not a game

What say you?

Do you have a business or a game?

Are the values of your program IN FRONT
of what you sell and do you even have a value driven program?

If what you sell is value driven, BUT the values of the program
are not included and overtly displayed (see NIKE or WAL-MART), then what you sell will not be around in six to twelve months

And people will quit, sales will STOP and you'll have to re-invent
yourself every year in and year out.

Then one year, you'll run out of ideas and people to sheer

And you'll be out of business and have to get a "real job."

The only problem with that is that no one is hiring anymore.

Keep it clean


Joe Schroeder actually answers his own phone


He is transparent


He is not a GURU

He is a businessman

Do you want to be HERE in 10 years?

Do you want to be FULL TIME?

Then do what I do



You can get them at the LIBRARY for FREE

Instead of BUYING books on better LIST BUILDING
and books on how to G-E-T people and MAKE MONEY

Because without a VALUE driven, purpose driven
internal business code, when the people DO show up

They will quickly leave if all the BIG GUN offers is
just another widget to hawk.

Joe doesn’t deliver a widget or a tool to GET RICH

Joe does something that has a more resounding effect on people

Joe delivers a VALUE system that changes average people
into people of super-human ability

At The Million Mind March we deliver MORE life.

Be free.

Start your own economy.

Be free.

Teach others how to become TEN feet tall and bullet proof.

That's a BIGGER promise than just offering 10,000 people FAST RICHES

It's a bigger promise because its something you can

actually deliver to 10,000 people.

Now you know the secret.

In our organization, we never sell money.

Because when you sell a Bernie Madoff
money pyramid you learn that there aren’t enough people
on planet earth to support such a lie.

So you deliver life. And you sell an IDEA and a
process that changes lives.

Here is how to go down in history as a fraud GURU, Big Gun

SELL and promote a GET RICH *MONEY* GET paid program

But first PROVE it and get RICH yourself

Short of YOU being RICH yourself first, is a LIE

Do NOT sell something that you yourself have NOT proven

If you sell a GET RICH PROGRAM and you haven't yet
Made $25,000 then to sell it makes you no better than a CRIMINAL Bernie "Ponzi Scheme" Madoff

No marketing truth has ever been better said or revealed.

We are The Million Mind March

YOU are truth and VICTORY

IF that is, your actions validate HONOR

IF what you do and sell can not be endorsed by your CHILDREN

Chances are, you are secretly off base and tilting
towards something dirty

Dirty pool never lasts

Because truth always filters out waste and lies

The Congregation of Joe

The Million Mind March

Where money is made AFTER we make people
We are a people factory
We BUILD people so people can then build each other
BUILD people and people will then multiply = money


24 hr RECORDED Global Warning from Joe Schroeder
24 hr RECORDED sizzle line

1-800-772-9781 EXT 6 then 16 then 40

There's no FUTURE in anti-integrity

There's no FUTURE in bait-n-switch


24 hr RECORDED Global Warning from Joe Schroeder
24 hr RECORDED sizzle line

1-800-772-9781 EXT 6 then 16 then 40

Go ahead, I know you want to

GOOGLE Joe Schroeder


March 26, 2009

Try It For 27 Days

Just before your head hits the pillow for your date with the sand-man,

speak with authority into your sub-conscious mind

(the one that never sleeps!)

I AM so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.

I speak health, happiness and prosperity to every person that I meet.

I make all my friends feel that they are GREATER than they think they are.

I look on the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.

I think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best.

I AM just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I AM about my own.

I've forgotten the mistakes of the past and press on

to the greater achievements of the future.

I wear a cheerful countenance at all times and

have a smile ready for every living creature that I meet.

I give so much time to the improvement of myself

that I have no time to criticize others.

I AM too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear

and too happy to permit the
presence of trouble.

I think well of myself and proclaim this fact to the world.

Not in loud words, but in great deeds.

I live in FAITH that the world is on my side so long as

I AM true to the best that is in me.

Now...while speaking into your sub-conscious mind,

pretend, if you will that I AM = Universal Mind.

Can you do this?

Sure you can.

WILL you do it?

Don't know.....

but when you do you will be amazed at the results.

March 24, 2009


Imagine 3 lines of people.
The first line is made up of PROSPECTS.
The second one....the MIDDLEMEN.
The "middlemen" are the
MLM distributors and network marketers.
The third line is made up of the FULL-TIMERS...
the GURUS of our industry.
They are MASTERS of....
Mass presentations + prospecting
Mass psychology
They are also MASTERS of
Copy writing
Many network marketers and distributors
psychologically never move off of
the PROSPECT line.
They still have tons of questions...
they haven’t learned everything they need to know.
Their biggest fear is that they won’t have answers
when a PROSPECT asks them questions.
They don’t understand that their PURPOSE or role...
is to take the hand of the prospect
and HOOK them up with the PROS
Here’s a $77,000 tip:
You don’t have to get it right,

you just got to get it going :)
The best thing you can say as a middleman is...
“I don’t know.

 Let me hook you up with __________”
“I’m not sure.

 Let’s get that information for you.”
It’s OK not to know!
It actually puts your prospect at ease

knowing that THEY won't have to KNOW IT ALL

before they can move forward.
That's a HOME RUN!!

Let go of the prospect and TRUST

that your “big fish” will help you.
You may not have all of the answers YET...
but you sure CAN let go of your fear and confusion.

In reality....

the less you say, the better off you are!
It’s easy to POINT and be cool and friendly.
BE the middle guy and drop the EGO.
You’ll save yourself a lot of grief and frustration.

Join us every Monday night at 9:27 EST

to experience demonstrations of CAN DO!

Dial in @ 1 641 594 7000 pin 600088#

March 23, 2009

Become The Consciousness Of Your Goals

I'm truly pleased that you allowed yourself to be here

It shows that you believe in possibility

that you believe in yourself

I'm thinking the words "Can't be done"

don't pass your lips

Good for you!!


"The most expensive thing in the world is a closed mind"


no wimps or cry babies allowed!!

It takes guts, determination and a desire that won't be denied

to stand up and FIGHT for your freedom

and LOSE what doesn't serve you in life


I am not here to convince you of anything

My intent is to point you to information, training and

the communities of REAL people that will



and support you in your goals

There's no competition

You get the whole crew

"Keep attention on your INTENTION"

Here's a tip

"Begin as you mean to end"


If you mean to end as a LEADER.....

you get my drift?

Here"s another tip


"Act as if and go as though"


To become the consciousness of your goal



Relax dear sage

all will revealed

but START now!

Begin where you are and gain knowledge (wisdom) and skills

Quit worrying about the money you may spend

Another chin puller....

Which came first?

Marketing or Mind-Set?

and the answer is

drum roll please


Can't have one without the other

Picture a row boat with 2 oars

One oar is MARKETING

the other is MIND-SET

If you focus only on the marketing (oar)


only on the mind-set (oar)

you can see,

cause you're smart,

that you wouldn't GET anywhere

You'd be going around in circles!!

Use both oars, in perfect BALANCE

and you move forward, slowly but surely

Tip # 573

"To go FAST, go SLOW"


I LOVE this stuff!!

Work on your MIND at

Work on your MARKETING skills at

Training is FREE and off the hook!!

We are ONE, unified and seamless

All you need is a referral and that would be me!


Nuff said

March 18, 2009

The FREE Market Economy : Good or Bad?

It's true that in a free-market economy

all sorts of crimes are possible

That doesn’t make the free market itself bad

Get it?

It just means that the people who operate with the intention

to scam others
need to be reined in


Too many people never get justice or compensation

when buying over the internet

If something sounds interesting to you

and you're tempted to buy

consider using Google to get some feedback from others who

bought or used the service

Google is GOD on the internet and nothing is SECRET

I've always thought that it would be a great idea to have an

HONEST media that would expose the really BIG scams

so that the buyer CAN be aware

The ONLINE press is called Google

Let’s never delude ourselves into thinking that a free market

AUTOMATICALLY makes everybody great

and honest and creative

It seems to me that a free-market economy

if it’s going to work at all

has to contain a certain amount of honor

In a free-market economy citizen justice has a place

If it’s canceled out then the way is clear for crooks

to steal the farm

When you honestly feel you've been scammed

EXPOSE the culprit

Put it on record and save the next poor sap

who didn't take the time to do his homework

I've been scammed once or twice and lived to talk about it

March 17, 2009

Online Sharks and Sociopaths

In my last post I talked about the type of people searching for opportunities online

In this post I'll chat a little about those lying in wait for them

These guys are the embodiment of the hope of the "sheep"

They know their stuff, their marketing ploys

They've studied NLP (neuro linguistic programming)

they know how to twist words

and prey on the emotions of their victims

and they USE people to make money

I don't know how these guys sleep at night

Maybe they don't??

My concern is not with them

I truly believe that what you do to other people God does to you

Some call it KARMA

My concern is for the decent, honest people who are dusting off their dreams

The thousands who've lost their jobs and are looking for a way to care of their families

The ones who will be flocking into the MLM and home business industry

unaware and full of hope

My philosophy is "Love people, USE money"

Not the other way around

I believe that what you give away, you get to keep

I KNOW that the answers are within and not in some new "automated system"

It takes work and diligence to be successful

What's your philosophy??

Do you even have one??

I vote for those who sincerely want to be a part of healing this industry as a whole

The ones that lay it on the table and speak TRUTH,

the whole truth and nothing but the truth

My votes with a community for entrepreneurs

where new people can grow and find their voice

Where those who truly want to learn are encouraged not hustled


a master mind

After all, aren't we in this for the long haul??

I am

I'm still learning

I found a safe place to practice being my authentic self

I surround myself with uncommon mentors

Where I'm allowed to love myself and nobody thinks I'm weird

And there's no competition

you get the whole crew

from beginners to masters

All you need is better information

and a better environment

The Million Mind March is where you

change your mind, change your income and change your life

then go about helping to change the world

one person at a time

Will you join my movement??

It's FREE and open to the public

Be sure to stop by and say hi

let me know you arrived safe : )

The Million Mind March

March 3, 2009

Biz Op Junkie + Out Of Your MIND

I was recently enlightened on a few key points about the types of people searching for opportunities and systems online.

Most fall into 2 categories.

1. The Biz Op Junkie:

Jumps from program to program

When the junkie doesn't find success with one program, they will quit and hop over to another one. After all, it's the "program" that failed, not them.

2. In and Out of MIND:

Excited one day and NOT the next

In this example, the opportunity seeker has found a program they LOVE but can't seem to generate success. This causes them to be UP one day and DOWN the next. They search for the perfect "system" or GURU.

In both cases, the suspect is searching for a solution outside of themselves and looking to "buy" that solution.

What they may not realize is that, while in this MIND - SET, they're at risk for falling victim to pretty much every marketing ploy that exists.

BTW: If you are a JUNKIE or Out of Your MIND, it's OK cause all you're doing is looking for answers.....

and that's commendable.

Today, most people are operating from a position of FEAR and looking to be saved.

Just watch the news!!

If you're goal is to become a savvy marketer with HEART, learn to THINK and know the MIND of your prospects.

The solutions always come from within and the POINT is, that the system doesn't exist that will "make" you successful.

A prospects 2 main fears are these:

1. Will I lose my money?

2. Will I make a fool of myself?

Once you know how your prospect thinks, you can lay it out for them, dispel their fears and come from a position of inspiration.

Stop asking, "What should I DO?"

Start asking, "How should I THINK?"

Teach and show people how things REALLY work and
in the end you give TRUTH.

Serve them and be flexible.

The choice for 2010 is walk in FEAR or walk in INTEGRITY.

Can you THINK??

Who are you MODELING?

Think, think, think for yourself!!

And model those who are doing the "thing" that you want to accomplish.

You'll make a fortune.

"Mechanics Of Wealth"

January 24, 2009

What You Say About Comes About

I have moved out from 1 Beggars Alley, located at 2 Poverty Lane at the corner of Down and Out Circle.

As of today I have a brand new home.

My new address is Living Well on 3rd Abundance Drive, located at the corner of Blessings Street and Prosperity Peak.

It's in the God Can neighborhood.

No longer will I allow myself to travel to the other side of town on Begging Peter to Pay Paul Route, located at a dead end intersection called I Don't Have, which connects with Borrower's Junction.

I no longer hang out at Failure's Place, near Excuses Avenue, next to Procrastination Point.

I've moved to an upscale community called Higher Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to succeed.

I can do all things through HE IS who strengthens my I AM = little ole me.

Life is good because God is good!

Care to change your address?

There are many vacancies!


Higher Heights Community of Can Do Artists