
September 23, 2009

Paralyzed?? Step Out Of Emotion

We've all been there.

Make that list of 100, pitch your friends and family and soon they don't even answer the phone.  When they REJECT us we become emotional and fearful of taking any further action!!  After all, we're only human, right?  We begin to doubt ourselves and this industry as a whole.

What if they don't LIKE me?

What if they so NO?

Network Marketing sucks!!

Step out of your EMOTION.  This is not a selling game, it's a SORTING game

Make this your MANTRA:  "I'm looking for people that are looking for me"
Once you've learned how to properly screen and qualify your prospects you will
not become emotionally attached to whether or not you "get them"

Here's the rules for SORTING:  Build curiosity, teach valuable skills and provide instructions to follow.  The faster you can sort through people and qualify them, the sooner you will experience success.  Once they come on board and they will....  Invest YOUR time with them.

YOU make a move, THEY move.  You make a 2nd move, they move again.  You make a 3rd move  and if they DON'T, use the NO EMOTION POLICY - You are outta there :)

Love the one you're with while they keep going but if they quit, don't let it get to you.
Get yourself into a business stance, be ALERT and pay attention.  The reality is you KNOW how few good people you need to experience success
and HOW MANY you need to sort through to find them. Find the ones that are ready AT THE MOMENT to do what they need to do.  Follow through and work hard.


BELIEVE that you're sorting and not selling.  Grasp this about the network marketing industry....In the beginning you work like an ANIMAL to get to that first threshold (and it's not as long as you may think).  Then you gain momentum that will BLOW YOU AWAY!!  The only way this will happen is if you hold those emotions in check long enough to get through the first 45 - 90 days.

Will you lose your EMOTION and walk the gauntlet to get to the other side??  You can't skip the basics, my friend.  You can try but it won't work.