
May 26, 2010

What's YOUR Addiction?

I admit it.....

I'm addicted to learning about SELF.

I'm a book worm.

My favorite pass-time is to

do research and READ.

A few days ago I found a GEM

of a book at a local book store.

It practically jumped off the shelf

and into my hot little hands.

I had heard of Gregg Braden and

his work over the years but had not

until now...

read any of his books.

Braden is a scientist whose open mindedness

has led him to the study of ancient

texts that have been largely "lost"

to the general public.

The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy

is an EYE OPENING look at the "marriage"

between ancient WISDOM and

cutting-edge quantum physics!

No matter what "theory" of creation

you ascribe to....

Braden eloquently and articulately

takes you on a JOURNEY to a

time before religious "dogma" and

travels with you to our present day

into a world of ATOMS and wave forms.

On the way.....

he decodes a lost "technology" of prayer

and PROPHECY that will blow your MIND.

Whether you're seeking truth and

enlightenment in your own LIFE

or for the WORLD at large....

The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy

is one of those RARE books

that will delight your senses and

deepen your understanding of the

NATURE of reality and precisely how

we CREATE it.

It's a keeper.

May 20, 2010

Daringly Authentic!

Get other people to tell you why...

they LOVE and appreciate your service.

What your customers take for granted

you lose in GAIN.

So go ahead....

ask them why they LIKE to pay you....

and not the guy or gal down the street.

Do "different"....

call them up and say,

"Why do you LOVE me?

How come you get excited and give me money?"

You can choose to be insignificant or

you can double your influence AND

your income by doing what some think

are dumb, stupid little things like this.

Use the voices of OTHER people to

remind you + the UNIVERSE + them

"how come" they payed you the first time.

It does not matter what you DO or sell.

This will compell them to pay you again + again.

COMMON people use the path of least resistence.

Common people take pot shots at the RICH.

You can choose to be shy or

you can choose to be HEARD and

include OTHERS in your dance.

It's just a choice.

Get out there and ROAR...

the LION sleeps no more.

May 17, 2010

Made In!!

How do you CREATE an eighth day?

You get up earlier...

that's HOW.

YOU wake up like,

3 or 4 hours earlier and that's

exactly how you create an eighth day.

You make more TIME by sleeping less.

YOU assume the energy and posture of

UN-COMMON cause "common" people

follow those who are un-common.

When you have that kind of energy

waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning

4 days a week is no big deal.

Working on a second income

from home is no big deal either.

Of course most people want to

sleep in...

drag themselves off to work

for a boss who barely tolerates them


run home at 5

and switch on the


that's COMMON.

Admit it....

you've always felt different and

never really cared about "fitting in".

YOU are un-common....

salute yourself.

Your LIFE changes

when you make a conscious

decision to

STEP INTO that role

regardless of what your MOM thinks.

"When you lose the opinions

of others YOU become free."

In other words....

when you lose the need to be

"stroked" by other people and

you just DO YOU.....

the struggle ends.

Everything becomes

EASE + FLOW = big hat

It takes a whole lot of discipline

to BE who you are meant to BE.

It takes a great measure of FAITH.

It takes an environment that supports

that kind of ENERGY.

It takes changing those habits

that do not serve you....

into HABITS that do!

And please....

it's not about being perfect.

You're HUMAN.

You make mistakes.

You fall down sometimes.

You LEARN that way.

Fear of failure and rejection

is like a ball + chain.....

figuratively and literally

holding you down and

keeping you in line.

A higher level of thinking is required

and it sounds like this;

I want to OPEN to my TRUE self.

I choose FREEDOM.

Whenever a situation comes up

that may seem negative or bad....

choose not to "re-act".


take a moment

take a deep breath

contemplate those WORDS

and you'll be stunned at how

the MOMENT is changed.

You'll find yourself smiling :)

You'll feel empowered and

you'll come to KNOW....

through discipline and practice

that YOU are in control

of your own POWER.

You invite that power to you....

when you practice

Disciplines of Doership

with other


YOU vote yourself in.

YOU choose to join the conversation.

The Million Mind March

OPEN Freedom Revival CALL

EVERY Monday night

at 9:27 EST

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No obligation

No kidding!

Not on my list yet??

Click on the link below...

Lose The HYPE

and receive updates,

invites and lots of COOL

free reports and ebooks.

I will never send you crap :)

That's a PROMISE.

Pride. Discipline. Hustle.

May 7, 2010

Nah....Too Much Work!

Anyone can say "too much work"

and most DO.

But think about it and

look at this....

ONE DAY with

one set of eyes then

practice and rehearse and


and write down the VALUE you see.

Stick with it and be TALL.

It can get intense and you'll find

yourself  becoming intense and that's




it's a revelation.

DO NOT hold back on that intensity.

Allow it to flow through you.


look at this again in a week

and see it with NEW eyes.

This is powerful and it takes WORK.

MILLIONS of people are seeking to

better themselves by reading books on



personal power



MILLIONS of people read

without thinking and

experience ZERO change.



It's a fact JACK...

that you are not mentally developed

by what you read but by....

what you think about what you read!

Thinking is the hardest and most exhausting labor....

which is why most people shrink from it.

What makes "doers" SUPER successful

is the ability to hold in thought


ideals and goals that they cannot yet

see in the physical....

but held in MIND

often for years

until what they thought about

in their imagination came into

the physical.

This is GOOD news cause....

that and that alone is what separates

the big people from the average.

Most people give up too soon.

Not YOU.....

You are a SUPER DOER....

if you say that you are :)

The Million Mind March

Salute yourself.

Pride. Discipline. Hustle.

May 3, 2010

Wisdom sEEds + Million mInd dEE

The MASTER in the art of living sees

little distinction between his work and

his play, his labor and his leisure, his

mind and his body, his information and

his recreation, his LOVE and his religion.

He hardly knows which is which.  He

simply pursues his vision of excellence

at whatever he does, leaving others to

decide whether he is working or....


To him he's always doing BOTH.

James A. Michener


USE everywhere / share / TiLT the World

Be a WORLD CHANGER and a CITIZEN of Mankind