
September 23, 2010

Call Me Kooky But...

Are you the type of person who actually

cringes when someone else speaks about

being...or wanting to be RICH??

I've experienced this "phenomenon"...

while sharing ideas on the POWER of

thinking and speaking abundantly.

Some people find great distain in the word...


So many people believe that if "rich" can't be

proven then you must be lying!!


you don't have to PROVE you can walk

before you walk...right?

Isn't EVERYTHING just an idea...a thought...

before it's proven?

Here's Daniel Webster on what RICH actually means:

Rich (rich)  Adj.  1.  Having great value.  2.  Extremely productive.

3.  Magnificent.  4.  Abundantly supplied. 

5.  Containing a large amount of choices.

5.  Extensive material gain.  7.  Much fuel.

I don't know about you but...

I believe that being productive and having

a large amount of choices is a GOOD thing.

Some people get totally wigged out and...

call the cops when people like you and me say, 

"I'm workin' on getting RICHER!"

Maybe they don't know what it actually means?

Maybe they bought the wrong definition from...

other people?

Maybe cause they can't see the big house and

the multiple bank accounts...

that somehow you're a liar?

Fact first YOU don't believe it either!

You don't have the stuff or the money yet...

so YOU gotta prepare your words and your mind

with what you see in your head...

then ACT as if and GO as though.

Call it prayer...

Call it FAITH...

Call it the power of positive thinking...

Call it whatever you like!

What it a formula that you prove to yourself.

I Am + THINK + Be + Do =  whatever you want!!

Speak your world into existence...

your attitude and "YES I CAN" spirit

will become contagious :)

You can call it being a dreamer...

but for me and....

millions of other people...

that's abundance...that's RICH :)

Little Book of Disciplines

1-800-772-9781 option 10
24/7 Recorded Message

September 18, 2010

So You're Not a Video Queen...

 So're not alone!

Not everyone is meant to get in front of a camera.

Some people don't know one end from the other :)

But...YOU'VE got something to say so...

find what works for you NOW.

Learn the other stuff later.

Are you comfortable with TYPING?

Write your genius on a BLOG...

send your LINKS in emails or

post them to SOCIAL MEDIA sites.

Maybe you suck at typing

and you're a TALKER...

RECORD an audio message...

Don't let what you don't know...yet

keep you from moving FORWARD...

think like a cockroach!!

The GAME is about staying ALIVE !
Mp3 training audios here >>>>>>>
Home and Small Business Network

Sample BOOK pdf download here >>>>>

Disciplines of Doership

September 16, 2010

Philosophy of a Bartender

I work in a BAR...

actually 2 different bars...

one's in a "trendy" area populated

with mostly young professionals.

The OTHER in a neighborhood of...

no disrespect intended...

less "ambitious" residents...just the way it is.

Very different worlds...

very different customers.

You learn to learn to wear differnt HATS.

To be perfectly honest...

I'm a GOOD listener...

an AWESOME bartender...

I live to talk about and share...


and...I admit it took me a long time to realize

that I was not BORN to solve...

everybody's problems!!


When someone is trying to "rattle" your cage...drunk on their own EGOS...

proclaiming what they think they know...without regard to how you FEEL...

or what you THINK...remember these TWO LITTLE WORDS...


and set yourself  FREE of their drama!

You're ALLOWED to walk away...

YOU are allowed to say...

"Sorry...I don't go there"

and when they get REAL pushy...

"I WILL NOT participate in this discussion!"

Always KINDLY...never make anyone wrong...

always CALM and SURE of yourself....

YOU just SMILE and walk away!!

No explanation neccessary :)

It never ceases to AMAZE me...

the amount of CRAP some people tolerate...

in OTHER people...then whine and COMPLAIN and judge them...

til the cows come home!!

When a visibly DRUNK and aggressive person walks into...

MY space...

I smile and say...

"You and I both've had enough to drink...

you won't be served today and you WILL thank me...

in the morning...access denied!!"

9 times outta 10...

they giggle..

they AGREE with me and...

they RESPECT me!!

When YOU learn to be flexible and adjust to the MOMENT....

without compromising....WHAT YOU STAND FOR...

when you learn to walk away from what does not serve you...'s all EASE + flow and a BLESSING!

It works in a BAR...

it works for YOU in your BUSINESS and...

it works in your LIFE!

TIME to take a good HARD look at...

what types of people...

with their opinions and DOUBT...

you've been allowing into your environment....

quietly BLESS them and send them on their way!!

The REALITY is this...

you OPEN up the space for the people....

you were MEANT to come into your life.

IT works like MAGIC :)


August 9, 2010

Waiting To Get PAID

A whole heck-uv a lot of people

in this industry

and in LIFE....

are waiting to get paid BEFORE

they think "rich" thoughts and

speak of GREATNESS.

Can you afford that?

Think about it.

Where will you be in a year

by shrinking into the background?

The fact is....


all great people were first

great in their minds before

their "payday" arrived.

Shy doesn't cut it.

Being comfortable is for midgets.

You can't have within what

doesn't reveal itself on the outside.

Tap into your subconscious mind

and you become a MACHINE!

"All the world is a STAGE."

You're allowed to contemplate,

THINK and play act the person

you want to BE and completely

re-arrange your life....

in a matter of days.

Do not permit an environment of

weak, distraction or LACK.

Become the director, the writer

the STARRING role in your own play.

Always look at yourself.

Go out today and haul ass!

Document it.

Where were you weak?

Where were you strong?

Who did you touch?

Who did you say "thank you" to?

Be in competition with YOURSELF.

Predict what YOU will do...

for the next 12 hours.

Philosophy + discipline = TIMELESS

YOUR "product" is self confidense....

10 feet tall + bullet proof!

YOU are the new breed.

You SPEAK your world into existence.

The flip side is the CULT of common.

Who will you NOT be today?

July 27, 2010

Life Just LOVES You Back

When you wake up each day


and loving life....

LIFE and


will LOVE you back.

"What you give away

YOU get to keep !"

That simple.


Not by a long shot !

The hardest work you'll ever DO....

is the work you do on YOURSELF.

Start by SEEING you...

in other people.


places and circumstances

that YOU attract are


of your INNER landscape.

YOUR attitude.

Your habitual THOUGHTS.

Give PEACE + prosperity

INTO other people

and the universe WILL

reciprocate in kind.

Try this meditation for 21 days

and you'll be stunned by the results.


abundance and PERFECT health

for ALL people

all NATIONS and

a gentle CLEANSING

for mother EARTH.

It begins in the MIND of one.

Having a bad day?

INSPIRE and motivate

other people and

you'll instantly FEEL better !

What you do to other people

the UNIVERSE does to you.

Just the way it WORKS.

"My prosperity prospers 10,000 people....

THEIR prosperity prospers me."

M3 Public July 26, 2010

July 2, 2010

Walk Your Talk

YOU can read hundreds

of books on personal power....

you CAN fly across the country

to attend $1000 seminars

for the weekend and

you can even hire a personal life coach.

That's all good....

it's actually GREAT

But without a life philosophy

that supports your ideas of

truth, freedom and wealth...

not a whole lot will change.

People live to PROVE their self-image.

What they think about themselves dictates

what they are allowed to have,

to be and to receive.

Get used to hearing that over and over again.

Change the rules that you use

that include

your position and order in life....

and your WORLD changes!

What you fail to get and who you fail

to BECOME is only because of

who you decided not to be!


Everyone is a LAW unto self...


Everyone is self-made....

not just millionaires :)

It takes GUTS to change

what you believe is TRUE

but when you DO....

you change what you DARE

yourself to $ RECEIVE $

There's philosophy and then

there's the CODE of discipline.

Choose not to be common....

choose freedom and your own


It's just a choice and always has been.

Change Your Mind

Change Your Income

Change YOUR Life

Mechanics of WEALTH

Human Dynamite

June 11, 2010

The Madness of Mind

Consciousness according to Icke:

"The antidote to the madness of mind

is the KNOWING of heart.

It is what we call LOVE,

though no word exists,

not even a vibration which can capture

the meaning of LOVE in it's infinite

stillness and


Mind thinks it knows love but it is blind

to it's true immensity,

numb to it's music,

it's poetry,


Rumi wrote:

Those who don't feel this LOVE

pulling them like a river,

those who don't drink dawn

like a cup of spring water

or take in sunset like supper,

those who don't want to change,

let them sleep.

This LOVE is beyond the study of Theology,

that old trickery and hypocrisy.

If you want to improve your mind that way,

sleep on.

I've given up on my mind,

I've torn that cloth to shreds

and thrown it away.

If you're not completely naked,

wrap your beautiful robe of words

around you.....

and sleep.

We talk about the "conscious" mind

when mind, without true consciousness is


Most of the world is unconscious

as it unconsciously follows

the programs of mind believing them

to be self-awareness and personal choice. 

Yet it is only reaction to program,

like a computer reading a disk."

David Icke  The Lion Sleeps No MORE

Wrap your beautiful MIND around that.

Contemplate and meditate on it.

Go into your SILENCE and feel it,

cause that's the only way to KNOW it.

May 26, 2010

What's YOUR Addiction?

I admit it.....

I'm addicted to learning about SELF.

I'm a book worm.

My favorite pass-time is to

do research and READ.

A few days ago I found a GEM

of a book at a local book store.

It practically jumped off the shelf

and into my hot little hands.

I had heard of Gregg Braden and

his work over the years but had not

until now...

read any of his books.

Braden is a scientist whose open mindedness

has led him to the study of ancient

texts that have been largely "lost"

to the general public.

The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy

is an EYE OPENING look at the "marriage"

between ancient WISDOM and

cutting-edge quantum physics!

No matter what "theory" of creation

you ascribe to....

Braden eloquently and articulately

takes you on a JOURNEY to a

time before religious "dogma" and

travels with you to our present day

into a world of ATOMS and wave forms.

On the way.....

he decodes a lost "technology" of prayer

and PROPHECY that will blow your MIND.

Whether you're seeking truth and

enlightenment in your own LIFE

or for the WORLD at large....

The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy

is one of those RARE books

that will delight your senses and

deepen your understanding of the

NATURE of reality and precisely how

we CREATE it.

It's a keeper.

May 20, 2010

Daringly Authentic!

Get other people to tell you why...

they LOVE and appreciate your service.

What your customers take for granted

you lose in GAIN.

So go ahead....

ask them why they LIKE to pay you....

and not the guy or gal down the street.

Do "different"....

call them up and say,

"Why do you LOVE me?

How come you get excited and give me money?"

You can choose to be insignificant or

you can double your influence AND

your income by doing what some think

are dumb, stupid little things like this.

Use the voices of OTHER people to

remind you + the UNIVERSE + them

"how come" they payed you the first time.

It does not matter what you DO or sell.

This will compell them to pay you again + again.

COMMON people use the path of least resistence.

Common people take pot shots at the RICH.

You can choose to be shy or

you can choose to be HEARD and

include OTHERS in your dance.

It's just a choice.

Get out there and ROAR...

the LION sleeps no more.

May 17, 2010

Made In!!

How do you CREATE an eighth day?

You get up earlier...

that's HOW.

YOU wake up like,

3 or 4 hours earlier and that's

exactly how you create an eighth day.

You make more TIME by sleeping less.

YOU assume the energy and posture of

UN-COMMON cause "common" people

follow those who are un-common.

When you have that kind of energy

waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning

4 days a week is no big deal.

Working on a second income

from home is no big deal either.

Of course most people want to

sleep in...

drag themselves off to work

for a boss who barely tolerates them


run home at 5

and switch on the


that's COMMON.

Admit it....

you've always felt different and

never really cared about "fitting in".

YOU are un-common....

salute yourself.

Your LIFE changes

when you make a conscious

decision to

STEP INTO that role

regardless of what your MOM thinks.

"When you lose the opinions

of others YOU become free."

In other words....

when you lose the need to be

"stroked" by other people and

you just DO YOU.....

the struggle ends.

Everything becomes

EASE + FLOW = big hat

It takes a whole lot of discipline

to BE who you are meant to BE.

It takes a great measure of FAITH.

It takes an environment that supports

that kind of ENERGY.

It takes changing those habits

that do not serve you....

into HABITS that do!

And please....

it's not about being perfect.

You're HUMAN.

You make mistakes.

You fall down sometimes.

You LEARN that way.

Fear of failure and rejection

is like a ball + chain.....

figuratively and literally

holding you down and

keeping you in line.

A higher level of thinking is required

and it sounds like this;

I want to OPEN to my TRUE self.

I choose FREEDOM.

Whenever a situation comes up

that may seem negative or bad....

choose not to "re-act".


take a moment

take a deep breath

contemplate those WORDS

and you'll be stunned at how

the MOMENT is changed.

You'll find yourself smiling :)

You'll feel empowered and

you'll come to KNOW....

through discipline and practice

that YOU are in control

of your own POWER.

You invite that power to you....

when you practice

Disciplines of Doership

with other


YOU vote yourself in.

YOU choose to join the conversation.

The Million Mind March

OPEN Freedom Revival CALL

EVERY Monday night

at 9:27 EST

1 641 594 7000

pin 600088#


No obligation

No kidding!

Not on my list yet??

Click on the link below...

Lose The HYPE

and receive updates,

invites and lots of COOL

free reports and ebooks.

I will never send you crap :)

That's a PROMISE.

Pride. Discipline. Hustle.

May 7, 2010

Nah....Too Much Work!

Anyone can say "too much work"

and most DO.

But think about it and

look at this....

ONE DAY with

one set of eyes then

practice and rehearse and


and write down the VALUE you see.

Stick with it and be TALL.

It can get intense and you'll find

yourself  becoming intense and that's




it's a revelation.

DO NOT hold back on that intensity.

Allow it to flow through you.


look at this again in a week

and see it with NEW eyes.

This is powerful and it takes WORK.

MILLIONS of people are seeking to

better themselves by reading books on



personal power



MILLIONS of people read

without thinking and

experience ZERO change.



It's a fact JACK...

that you are not mentally developed

by what you read but by....

what you think about what you read!

Thinking is the hardest and most exhausting labor....

which is why most people shrink from it.

What makes "doers" SUPER successful

is the ability to hold in thought


ideals and goals that they cannot yet

see in the physical....

but held in MIND

often for years

until what they thought about

in their imagination came into

the physical.

This is GOOD news cause....

that and that alone is what separates

the big people from the average.

Most people give up too soon.

Not YOU.....

You are a SUPER DOER....

if you say that you are :)

The Million Mind March

Salute yourself.

Pride. Discipline. Hustle.

May 3, 2010

Wisdom sEEds + Million mInd dEE

The MASTER in the art of living sees

little distinction between his work and

his play, his labor and his leisure, his

mind and his body, his information and

his recreation, his LOVE and his religion.

He hardly knows which is which.  He

simply pursues his vision of excellence

at whatever he does, leaving others to

decide whether he is working or....


To him he's always doing BOTH.

James A. Michener


USE everywhere / share / TiLT the World

Be a WORLD CHANGER and a CITIZEN of Mankind

April 23, 2010

Shut Up + Pass The PROZAC

I got a text message from a friend today.

He works at a JOB he hates and

he's been doing it for 20 years.

"Gaaaaawd this is so brain numbing.

I'm so bored!"

Man.....I feel his pain.

The really weird part is that

he's AWARE that he has a

CHOICE to change but "chooses"

not to.......that's INSANE to me.

I DO understand though.

Here's WHY.....

Disciplines Of Doership Page 18

"Most people restrict what they'll

allow themselves to "be" and do

because since childhood we have

been conditioned to trade our egos

for LOVE. 

It's ALL ego and when you release the

need for everyone to validate you, it's like

cutting off a TWO TON elephant from

your leg that's been holding you back from


It's all MANIPULATION.  We have been

"domesticated" to push down and resist

our natural instinct and urge to EXPAND!"

Do + Hard Work + FIT IN + Job =

pass the PROZAC please!

No wonder people are angry,

depressed and bored stupid!

That LIFE formula is against


Now you know why so many

people take anti-depressants and

think there's something "wrong"

with them.  They simply don't FIT IN

and they haven't yet discovered....

that it's a GOOD thing.

A FREAKIN' blessing really.

Instead they listen to crap like this....

Go to school. 

Grow up and be respectable.

Get a hair cut.

Okay....go get married now!

Stop acting WEIRD!


Are you CRAZY??

and then they wind up feeling

like a loser under someone elses EGO. 

How screwed up is that!!

And they complain!

MAN do they complain....

all day every day about

their LIVES and what they

hate doing and they LIVE in

the thrill of what could be.


Not very "attractive".

Change begins where you're

already at by becoming addicted

to serving PEACE into other people!

Sounds simple but....

it ain't EASY.

I hear it a LOT.

Discipline?  No way!

I get enough of that at work.

You want me to THINK?

I'd rather watch TV.

I'm tired.

I'm broke.

I'm not that smart.

I'm having a BAD hair day!!

It begins with simple agreements

you make with YOURSELF.

And by surrounding yourself

with people who are ALSO

practicing to "break FREE".....

NOT with those who choose to

remain in "victimhood".

LOVE them

add increase into them

bless them

but send them on their way.

If you're TRULY bent on

evolving better....

it's neccessary in the process.

It's called DISCIPLINE

and people will stand and

stare at your self integrity...

you'll see :)

You WANT to grab 

Joe's NEW booklet.....

Disciplines Of Doership

by sending your info to:

I'll mail it to ya!!

Email +
Phone # (optional)

Go ahead....

you can say it!

"That was a good-un" :)


I AM Dee Gabinet

April 13, 2010

Key MASTERS + The Prison Talk

When you find the ABSOLUTE TRUTH

your burden then----

not too strong a word.....

YOUR burden then is that you yearn

for the whole WORLD to also

know what you KNOW.

I call that being a KEY MASTER.

Here is what that means:

The Prison Talk

March 31, 2010

What You HATE is a Clue....

Admit it.

You're in this industry because

of something

you hated.

What you HATE is a CLUE to your FUTURE.

You hate mediocrity and debt.

You hate it.

You make debt your enemy.

You hate having ZERO control of your income.

You hate having to wait...

for your upline to help you.

You hate BS.

You hate being made a fool.

It happens to folks in this industry.

You hate having to FIT IN.

You have to fit in at work....


in our industry

you SING your own song.

What you hate is a clue to your future

and what you permit lasts a lifetime.

WHO do you permit to control your mind?

WHO do you allow to steal your focus?

What you PERMIT lasts a lifetime and people

wear their failure and regret all over their faces.

You fool no one.

None of us fools anyone.

What do you hate and utterly loathe?

Me....I hate selling.

It's sharing versus trying to get people.

It's QUICK LINK versus trying to close people.

It's being graceful versus starting an arguement.

It's marketing into people to such an extent

that they never feel you selling.

JUST as any good marketer does!

It's not voodoo.

It's not manipulation.

It's not some new-age crap.

It's the ALPHA state.

Pitching people is embarrassing.

Are YOU selling or are you preparing

people to buy from you?

That's marketing.

Marketing is when you slice off TONS

of peices of yourself and what you sell

that 100's of people come back and say...

" got anymore?"


Give me $12.


12 Bucks

"Can you mail me CDs and a booklet

that are ripped with the ALPHA code??"


you got my paypal account.

And THANKS in advance.

It's emotional intelligence.

It's working 12-16 hour days.

But it's not WORK when you'd do it for FREE

anyhow cause you LOVE the dance!

I shake a leg at

The Million Mind March

If you hate to ASK,

"Wanna buy my stuff?"

Give it away and there's no pressure.


in order to get more RECEIVE value

you first have to give more GIVE value.

What you give away you always get to keep.

What's interesting about FREE is that

the closer you move to FREE

the more people line up to

hang out with YOU.

Naive people attempt to sell a $200 - $500

item without a SAMPLE to coax the kiddies!

What you HATE is a clue to your FUTURE.

Where you were BORN to be is not decided by you.

You can only DISCOVER your LIFES plan.

It's where you go after a few years of shame...

after you discover that pitching people doesn't work.

"I want some CDs for my car!!"



12 bucks

PS and by the way....

The people who ROCK this planet are...

the people who ROCK other people.


Be a ROCK.

Stand still.

Stand for something.

I'm done :)

March 22, 2010

Human Projectors

Ask any 12 year old to explain this

and they probably can and will...

"You can't have ON THE INSIDE what doesn't

reveal itself on the outside."


Or put another way...

"Inside the oak tree is the ACORN."

"Inside the low tide sleeps the HIGH tide."


yet so simple a concept that

when you HEAR it and

YOU actually get it...

Oh my!


LIFE is not meant to be complicated...

it's just set up that way.

The 12 year old inside of you KNOWS this.

They believe they were meant for

GREAT things...

that the WORLD is their playground

and everything is gonna be OK.

The kid inside of YOU...

the man or woman that you are TODAY.

I remember when my son was growing up.

The times when I wanted to pull my

hair out in frustration.

The times when instead...

I thought about what it was like

when I was his age

Those times when the "drama" disappeared

and everything became PLAYFUL again.

I've learned a lot from the kid inside of me

AND from the one I brought into this world!

Let's face it...

We all have two or more personalities.

The negative side and the POSITIVE,

highly aware side...

plus that teenager that sees everything

with ROSE colored glasses.

Your challenge is to use the one that

has YOUR best intentions at heart

and to EMBRACE the kid inside of you.

Grab a copy of

Joe Schroeder's

"The Two Selves"



Take it to bed with you.

Read it to your kids :)

Ask good questions,

have conversations and

DOCUMENT the changes in your life.

I KNOW you'll be pleasantly surprised...

and maybe even a little stunned!

March 12, 2010

Pissed Off + Broke??


It's a GREAT place to be :)

I KNOW what you're thinking...

What the....

are you nuts, Dee?? may appear to be

a negative statement but...

stay with me.

So you say you have a "home business"...


You KNOW what to do.

You've spent a ton of $$$$ on

training and the latest greatest systems.

Are you advertising?

Are you talking to people...

all day every day?

Do you have a daily method

of operation that you stick to?

Do you have a budget?

If you're not where you

want to be with your business

there are only 2 possible reasons.

You are either scared stupid or

you don't really BELIEVE

you have a business!!


Get over it...

and under it and around

whatever is holding you back.

I've said this before and

I'll say it again...

it's that important!!

Never stop learning,

DOING and tweaking....

just DO it!

Screw up and do it again

until you get it RIGHT!

Don't believe you have a business??

That's probably cause you're still

making NICE on Facebook and Twitter...

hiding behind your computer and

hoping business will magically

fall into your lap!!

Tough LOVE and time to grow up :)

Put together a BUDGET,

choose 2-3 methods of getting

YOUR information out to LARGE

numbers of targeted prospects...

and TEST them!

Keep going until you crack the CODE.

Walk right through whatever

scares you...

"Repetition is the mother of all SKILL"

Who gives a crap what other people think??

YOU are 10 feet tall + bullet proof!

This is YOUR life

your DREAM and...

if it's in your HEAD it's gotta happen!

Be patient...

ROME wasn't built in a day

and so it goes with building a solid,

profitable business plus...

the confidense and skills to pull it off.

SEEK council and correction

from your colleagues.

Quit being a "know it all" and

above all...

get pissed off!!

It's a GREAT motivator :)

SMART is the new "sexy"

March 11, 2010

I Don't Know HOW It Works!

It just does...


When you truly become a



a citizen of MANKIND...

mother NATURE


unfolds in your FAVOR.

Now come on...

I'm not talking about being

NICE to people who

are already nice to you.

What skill does that take?

Any mental midget can do that!

I'm talking about FORGIVING

and RELEASING those that have

somehow wronged or hurt you.

The CHALLENGE is to see other

people BETTER than they are!

It's about showing people MERCY...

and using discernment about

who will share your space and

attach to your ENERGY :)

When you SEE people bigger than

they think they are...

when you SPEAK to other people

like they're KINGS and QUEENS...

with absolutely no need of return

the WORLD stares back at...

and endorses YOU.

Your kindness, just one time,

to the RIGHT person...

can positively flip YOU!

I don't KNOW how it works...

I just know it DOES.

Your LIFE changes when you...

change the way you THINK.

You are not required to be PERFECT.

You don't have to get it RIGHT...

YOU just have to get it going :)

Give YOURSELF some mercy.

Learn to SEE what will add

PROSPERITY into your life...

and what will add confusion.


Wisdom recognizes itself...


Inspire people and bring people

to a level of AWARENESS that maybe...

they didn't think they possessed.

When you BUILD people...

the PEOPLE will build the business.

The WARRIORS prayer to himself...

"My prosperity prospers 10,000 people and

their prosperity prospers me!"

Disciplines Of DOERSHIP

March 8, 2010

Value Village ROCKS + There IS a GOD!

I'm shopping at my favorite

"second hand"

store and having a blast.

I LOVE the staff and the energy

of the people who shop there.

Everybody's havin' a good time

and I'm EXCITED cause I've found

a whole bunch of TREASURES.

My cell phone goes off and I

answer it cause it's my MOM :)

leaving my purse sitting on the floor!

We're chatting and I'm walking...

cause that's what I do....

and I'm pulling my basket of

goodies behind me.

Suddenly it dawns on me that

I've left my purse behind so I race

back over to where I think it may be

and it's GONE....

all I have left is my phone in my hand.

I alert the staff and some customers

to my "plight" and the whole store

is searching with me.....

I'm devastated and beating

myself up for being so stupid!!

What seems like an eternity

goes by and still no luck.

At this point I GIVE UP....

cause that's my PATTERN and leave

the store thinking what else is

there left that I can do??

This is where it gets interesting :)

I have a change of MIND...

I tell myself "screw it"...

this is not HAPPENING.

I'm not leaving without my purse...

it's there and I KNOW it!!

So I MARCH back in and the

manager sees me and says...

"You're the lady who lost her purse??

Stay right here, there's someone who

wants to see you."

The UNIVERSE, God...

whatever YOU want to "call" it

placed an ANGEL in that store,

that day and because of HER

my purse found it's way back

to me intact with nothing missing.

But the really COOL part is

that when I sat outside later....

in GRATITUDE and thanks

I physically FELT

MY connection to SOURCE

and that feeling sounded like this:

"You're WELCOME, Dee"

Funny thing is...

I've FELT that connection before,

many times...

I just wasn't AWARE

of the NATURE of it.

POWERFUL experience!

And the moral of the STORY is this...

Change Your Mind PATTERN Change Your Life EXPERIENCES

Join me every MONDAY night at...

9:27 pm EST

Public Million Mind MARCH call

1 641 594 7000 pin 600088#

March 4, 2010

YOU Are Out Of CONTEXT....

Does any of THIS sound familiar?

"What PLANET are you from?"

"Quit ROCKING the boat and

get back in LINE bucko!!"

"Get a haircut and get a REAL job!"

"That'll never WORK it's a scam man!"

People who "fit in"...

SPEAK like this and

are common.

Not you cause...

YOU are different...

you buy into an alternate PROGRAM.

Other people don't GET you.

Why else would you be in this industry?

Your MOTIVATION comes from the

friction between what you see

in your HEAD and what you

experience as your "so called"


Your EXPERIENCE may be

50k per year but.....

in your MIND you have unlimited

earning potential and the FREEDOM

to do work that you LOVE...

what you were BORN to do and BE.

That ALONE makes you a



and YOU stand out in a crowd.

You may not WANT to at times

but you NEED to be heard...

you need to be RELEVANT.

You also seek SOLITUDE...

SELF study and contemplation.

You are not so much lonely

as lonesome and CRAVE

the company of people

just LIKE you :)

The GOOD NEWS is...

there are MILLIONS of us!!

We ATTRACT eachother...

and BUILD communities

where we hang out


and nobody thinks that's weird!

Thank God, eh...

Prosperity Package

March 2, 2010

Who SOLD You On The Concept......??

If you're not AWARE that you can

GROW and CHANGE, you won't.

Maybe you don't understand

the stuff of "philosophy",

MIND SET and BIG words.

Maybe you're not up on

your reading but...

that doesn't mean there's no

TRUTH in the language of KINGS.

Hard work alone will not

bring you your treasure.

Capture the ESSENCE!

The closer you get to US...

well, it's all about a

collective consciousness.

CHALLENGE yourself, read one

paragraph a day of the

autobiography of Ben Franklin....


My only JOB is to position you

to THINK, to pull your chin,

to get YOU reading books.

My job is to get you to say,

"Where do you get off talking

like that?"

The most important experience

you'll have, outside of your home,

in your adult life....

is the environment within the

culture of GREATNESS.

The Million Mind March

It's all about the mind-set,

the culture and the PEOPLE

that have always made money here.

Those people that brought LEADERSHIP,

an environment of CAN DO and

did not promise you MONEY!!

The PRODUCT is the mind-set.

Share something that is not an

opportunity but a mind-set.

Not an opportunity to make more money

but to make more LIFE....

that filters into your family

that spreads out into your

circle of influence and it

becomes a spiritual experience.

Follow your GUT,

follow your intinct

and USE your intuition.

If you sit inside with us...

get on our PRIVATE calls and

LISTEN to our monthly CDs...

you will not remain the same!!

If you can feel the THUNDER...

if you resonate with what you

hear and read...

I invite you to JOIN us.

If after one month

you can honestly say,

"It stinks!!"

I beg you to go away.

Stop looking for something

that's outside of YOURSELF.

If you want to go big-time

and make big MONEY...

make big MIND....

make big YOURSELF.

Change your behaviours

and learn the disciplines


24/7 Recorded Message
1 800 772 9781 EXT 10

February 13, 2010

To All You "LOVERS" Out There....

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Thanks to the AMAZING Lady Rose :)

Your creativity knows no bounds

and speaks VOLUMES!!

February 9, 2010

IV Drip For The COOL + Smart

More Joe Juice for M-3 ADDICTS

Here is YOUR IV drip of the day

I am Dee Gabinet

YOU are divine, so they say, right?

This call was sick!

Here is the archive...

Monday FEB 8, 2010

709 people who were on this call....

will never forget.

THEY are cOOL and sMARt :)

YOU are too!!

ENJOY the MP-3

Listen Here

Grab my package....

(just pay shipping and handling)

2 CDs + Booklet

January 28, 2010


Here's RADICAL idea # 91

I believe that SUCCESS

is NOT selective.


SUCCESS is not selective!

And YOU can prove it!


plenty of other people HAVE.

What's DANGEROUS is this:

The guy says,

"You can't use words like RICH and

PROSPEROUS if you are neither."


"What RIGHT do you have to

SPEAK about prosperity?"

The crowd will tell you..

"Shut up and sit down!"

"We're in a recession."

But when you take the time

to really notice...

The crowd is AFRAID!

The LAST thing you wanna do

is follow the crowd.

All GREATS and

those who would be FREE...

moved in the opposite

direction of the CROWD.

After dozens of times at BAT

and YOU strike out 50% of the time

YET you keep on swinging...

you have every RIGHT

to speak "success" and prosperity.

The BEAUTY of folks like us

is that we're the same 24/7...

broke or not!

When we walk into the "field",

we create a space of INTEGRITY

and LOVE people even if

they don't pay our RENT this month.


Here's a good book you gotta read it."

You LOVE the process.

You WANT to meet more people.

YOU lose the "shy".

You may not really want

to talk to people...

But you NEED to.

That's profound!

You are a walking reward

for 10,000 people.

GOOD for you!

More MIND Candy + SILLY Offer

January 13, 2010

Ideas You Never Thought Of

Since the DAWN of time,

GREAT minds have inspired us

and given us the tools to

THINK differently.

Einstein, TESLA, JFK are examples

of those who chose to LIVE

outside the "box"

and share these discoveries


Modern day prophets ABOUND

and if you're OPEN to finding them,





however you choose to SEE

the BIGGER picture,

gives us concepts,

ideas through OTHER people

that we may decide to ignore or....

investigate further.


Have YOU ever heard someone say something

that made you walk away in your MIND

and realize that reality could be

much different and much LARGER?

Even more....

that REALITY was a different kind of animal

than you suspected?

We tend to tap new IDEAS

as if they’re made out of metal.

We want to test the RING of them.

We want to float these NEW ideas

to our friends and see how they react.

We want to KNOW where an idea came from.

Did it spring from some TRADITION

with a strange name we can bow down to?

Did the teacher come from INDIA

and did he have a long title?

Did he claim to channel it from

the ether or from beings in outer space?

Does the idea work in the MARKETPLACE?

Does it sell WIDGITS?

Does it make a business into

a roaring SUCCESS?

A NEW IDEA can hit us at any time,

from any direction,

and we can CHANGE our future because of it.

We can go off in a NEW direction.

Maybe I’ll give you a new idea.

And then you’ll be stimulated to

THINK about it

and DO something with it.

Do what?

That would be up to YOU.

Of course.....

you have to be READY

to entertain an idea that is strange,

that sounds ODD.

You have to turn it over in your mind

and consider how you can DIGEST it.

YOU might resist it

and that’s OK.

It’s what usually happens

when a new idea POPS up out of nowhere.

NEW ideas come to you RAW.

You hadn’t THOUGHT of it before.

It doesn’t immediately connect to

what you already KNOW.

It doesn’t come with a GUARANTEE.

It might SING

It might LAUGH

It might JAB YOU in the ribs.

If your BAGS are full of all your old ideas,

if your mental apartment

is decorated to the hilt

with all your old ideas,

a new idea might not make any impression at all.

It might fall flat.

But maybe it’ll make you DROP your bags…

and YOU travel lighter and faster.

You never know.

Why not take a chance?

January 2, 2010

wISDOm On Tap + The aRt Of Living

Study master THINKERS

of a thousand years ago then,

take an HONEST look at

modern day philosophers,

and I can bet that the phrase;

"There's NOTHING new under the SUN"

will take on a whole NEW meaning for you.

The language may sound different...

poetic with the old masters and

simply DECODED by the new.

At their BASIC levels you can't help

but come to the conclusion that

the understandings,

the CORE principles are identical.

A Modern Day Philosopher

Studies and DECODES:

Marcus Aurelius


Napoleon Hill

Wallace Wattles

Charles Haanel

and people who BECAME great.

James A. Michener said it best:

"I THINK young people ought to

SEEK the experience that is going to

KNOCK them off center."

I concur, James.