
November 24, 2009

I Got Friends In LOW Places!!

Wait JUST a minute....

SOCIETY might measure you by your JOB title

your JOB title may decide your WAGE.....


YOU determine your own WORTH







I don't care if you CLEAN TOILETS

for a living!!

WE ARE ALL EQUAL in potential

and besides....

the highly EDUCATED tend to be

know it alls!

NOT open to new ideas and CONCEPTS.

The FINEST people and the ones to WATCH

are those that had the SPINE to

STARE down mediocrity, rise above

circumstance and BECOME what they saw

in their heads!!



they WON'T tell you it was EASY

QUICK and miraculous!!

They WILL NOT say it'll happen over night.

The RIGHT people will give it to you STRAIGHT!

Joe Schroeder - truck driver

Diane Hochman - depressed housewife

Kristen Darkenwald - 26 and never had a REAL job

Dee Gabinet - burned out bartender

INSERT YOUR NAME here __________

stand in front of the mirror and SALUTE yourself :)

"If you can hold in your MIND, long enough,

your DESIRE and VISION as a true reality upon

your SELF, what you will need between your hands

in order to bring that desire into manifestation,

WILL HAPPEN." JLS ~ Supermind

When YOU become 10 feet tall + bullet proof,

get under OTHER people and lift them up....

the UNIVERSE takes note and BENDS

towards you.

Keep a notebook handy,

write down the WHISPERS, hunches and ideas

that come to you (cause they WILL) and KNOW

that anything anyone else has done before you


Love people, use money....

NOT the other way around.

Do the BASICS every day,

don't take it for granted.

That's my RANT for today!!

Join me and my friends

Monday Nights at 9:27 pm EST

1 641 594 7000

access code 600088#

Learn the BASICS, the core skills to

take you to YOUR higher place.

Dee Gabinet
778 230 7026


you're still here :)

Want MORE?? ======>>>

Mechanics Of Wealth ~ 2 CDs + 2 Booklets + Report

Just toss in the shipping and handling

November 22, 2009

Sunday Wisdom SEED

Always remember the "code" in life.

I AM + BE + THINK + Sow + Big House.

The world will tell you different. Society

is all about get, grab, earn and struggle.

Prove it to yourself. Pick up a newspaper

or speak to anyone any a.m. as they java

their weakened bodies as they car pool

together into more of the same.

They teach:

School + hard work + Make Goals +

watch yur P's and Q's = 401K

They take from their boss and only return a little.

They take from each other and remove POTENTIAL

from each other with words like "no way" and "won't work."

They take, take, take, from themselves and from

each other. The REMOVE vision from each other

with words like "it's a scam, won't work" and

you will never be a Millionaire.

The world will meet you at the energy you beleive in.

What you tell other people they can NOT have, the

world listens and delivers your words back to you '

in the form of never enough, struggle and fear.

I AM + BE + THINK + SOW = Big Hat.

The world gives to the giver and takes from the taker.

You can not TAKE a breath without GIVING one away.

You can not share happiness without also

growing a smile on someone else's smile.

You can not be rich without first adding to other people.

Begin with I AM. Begin by speaking VICTORY

into yourself. Because all that you say you

are is all that you will ever believe in enough

to demonstrate to other people.

BELIEVE to see

If you wait to "see it" before you belive it

you will never see it because you can not

pursue or have, what you first could not see.

The world teaches WORK HARD.


How many hard working construction workers

do you know who live in MANSIONS.

The world teaches GET a GOOD JOB!

That's funny.

Ben Franklin and Oprah never

had a job. They created their own work

and lived to prove that whatever energy you

believe in is the energy that will pay you.

OPRAH doesn't work hard, in fact I bet

she works less than most people.


Because the world doesn't pay you for what you

know, the world pays you for the work

you can do and pays you even MORE if you

can be wise enough to delegate your work to OTHER people.

That's how the rich get richer.

They get other people to work their better.

They get other people to assemble what they THINK about.

That's what HENRY FORD did.

What energy do you believe in?

Work? Over-time? Struggle?

Ease? Influence?




Game almost over.

Sun down is coming.

THINK QUICK because life teaches you to think

and THINKING teaches you how to better live.

Please make sure you hear Joe Schroeder's latest

WISDOM audio CD, "Ducks, Trucks and City Lights."

24 hrs. ReC. Message 1-800-772-9781 EXT 10

November 5, 2009

Yeah I Coulda Got A 900 # But.........

I chose Network Marketing instead!!

"Do what you already KNOW how to do"

Just BE YOU and give it time...Rome wasn't built in a DAY and

neither will your BUSINESS.

Basic concepts for building a business using Social Media.

November 4, 2009

Society Will Applaud The LEAST Of YOU!!

Go ahead try it....

Tell someone you're bullet proof and 10 feet tall!

Admit you secretly read books like...




and that you listen to CDs by Tony Robbins!

Tell 'em you're going after your first million.

You'll have them laughing at you in NO time. 

They'll ask you if you're practicing your new STAND UP act....

as if THAT were more believable!!

They're really not trying to be mean...

they just have a limited SELF IMAGE.

Gustave Le Bon, a great analyst of "the crowd" said,

"Man as part of the multitude loses his individuality

and becomes the consciousness of the mob.  This is

different from his isolated self should he decree his

voluntary association (with the mob)".

Joe Schroeder adds this morsel of WISDOM:

"And while within the crowd, notice their tearing

at eachother, their inability to excercise SELF and

their constant attention to never having enough."

It takes just as much EFFORT to think:

I could NEVER do that!

What would the NEIGHBORS say?

My spouse wouldn't approve.

Can't afford it.

I'm such a LOSER!


as it does to THINK BIGGER thoughts.

Even if you just repeat it to YOURSELF at first....


tell OTHER people how GREAT they are!

"When you become MORE through an elevated


people and multiplying situations literally


Schoederism #276

Test it out

STEP into it!


Just ask the GREAT Scott Manesis!!

This SIMPLE practice is YOUR first step toward