
June 21, 2009

Father's Day LOVERAGE Idea

And now about DAD (and MOM).


Here is what they call a "treatment." (a way to be)

I vow to use this myself, towards MY OWN folks.

Mom and Dad sometimes forget to ask me about me.

They almost NEVER ask about my work

and who rarely, if ever, ask about my love.

In my earlier days, their ways and their denial of my bliss

man did that peeve me.

Big time.

And as the years grew my maturity and allowed me council

with BIG and LOVING minds, I schooled

in the fine art of BEING and learned to transcend childish

moronic dumb little "ego" filled DEE ways.

Try this today:

TODAY dear friend, as you see Mom and Dad

use this with your Dad today and your Mom.

THE TREATMENT or the technique of ALL LOVE

Remember that Dad and Mom NO longer OWE you a new bike

"Dee, what are you nuts? I am old now and 42.

Of course I know my parents do not owe me a bike."

My reply?

You may know that intellectually dear sage


But there is still the SIXTEEN year old in you and we

often forget we are all grown now and still see

our folks as mommy and daddy.

Try this.

See your parents for a day JUST as people.

Not people that owe you college.

Not anyone who owes you more hugs.

Be them.

And think about their struggle, and commitment to RAISE you

And pay their own bills

SEE Dad today as a man, not as a parent and LOVE HIM!!!!!!!

remember their own struggles of a life that maybe wasn't

a "home run" for them, and yet they were still there for you.

REVERSE the roles a bit and be their parent

And HUG and FUSS all over your folks today.

Let Dad maybe be the grouch that he is

Let MOM forget about asking you about your life

Remember, MOM screws up JUST as you and I do.

So then . . .

RETURN the gift of LIFE that MOM and DAD gave you

By being ALL LOVE and ALL MIND towards them


Not always.

Not easy at all.


But see,

We are not kids anymore and the clock




Is moving forward and time is short

WHAT can you tell your folks today that will make

you happy, in the event you NEVER see them again?

It's a game called life.

A game called, we don't live forever.

A game called ALL LOVE

A game called "all grown up."

TO FORGIVE is to love

To FORGIVE is to INVITE more life

TO FORGIVE is to "be".

Today, I ask my friend, that you be a MAN or a LADY GIANT

Seek not the pat on the head, GIVE it

. . . instead of needing one yourself

Seek NOT the platitude,

BE the platitude and GIVE yours to them

Now THAT is an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No more bikes owed to you

No more sandwiches MOM needs to make you

Mom used to clean your diapers and wipe your nose

Mom and dad were THERE for us, on many levels.

And now we MOM and DAD back, towards THEM

so cool

Because we can

because WE are TALL now

Because it's a choice

Because it's the RIGHT thing to do

Because you are ALL LOVE

If only for today

And pressed into FOREVER

That's it

"be someone for somebody" today

I will and you will too

That feels good.

Love to you all